GSA is pleased to announce the launch of GeneticsCareers.org, a joint project of GSA and the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). This free service to the genetics community provides a forum for matching qualified job seekers with careers in all areas of genetics. By bringing together the world’s two largest professional societies in the field, GeneticsCareers.org offers access to career opportunities across the breadth of our discipline, including academic, industrial, government, and nonprofit jobs. In addition to full- and part-time jobs, we also welcome listings of postdoctoral and student positions. And you can post your resume so that potential employers can find you. The site is free to use, so please join us at GeneticsCareers.org: if you are a job-seeker, register and post your CV today; if you have an opening in your laboratory or institution—or if know of available positions elsewhere—please post those opportunities!
New postings will be highlighted in each
e-News, please see side panel.
Only five more days to submit your abstract for a platform or poster presentation at the 55th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, March 26–30, 2014, in San Diego, California. The deadline is December 9!
GSA is introducing a new member benefit: unlimited storage of articles in your personal library on PubChase, a free search and recommendation tool for biomedical literature which helps you find published articles of most relevance to you. PubChase refines your literature searches and gives you the most relevant results first. The algorithm learns and improves by considering the papers in your library, and recommends new literature just for you. With synchronized cloud storage of your article PDFs, you can search and access your library content and recommendations anywhere. GSA members get unlimited storage by entering the promo code “GSAPUBCHASE” under Library Settings.
Interested in science writing? Write an article for The GSA Reporter! We are looking for submissions for a 750-word piece that addresses one of the following topics: 1) predict where your field is heading over the next 5 years; 2) discuss the challenges of working in the lab today; or 3) predict or observe emerging sub-disciplines and questions in your field. Submit your article to Beth Ruedi by January 3, 2014, and your piece could be selected for publication in the Reporter,
which is distributed to the more than 5,000 members of GSA around the world!
The Genetics Society of America is proud to name 11 early career scientists—five graduate students and six postdoctoral researchers—as Spring 2014 recipients of GSA’s DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics. The award provides a $1,000 travel grant for each recipient to attend any national or international meeting, conference or laboratory course that will enhance his or her career. Congratulations to:
Graduate Students:
- Yang Cao, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Huan Chen, Columbia University
- Fang Yun Lim, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Matthew Niepielko, Rutgers University
- Nathaniel Sharp, University of Toronto
Postdoctoral Researchers:
- Charissa de Bekker, Pennsylvania State University
- George Eisenhoffer, Jr., Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah
- Eric Joyce, Harvard Medical School
- Eric Stoffregen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Sen Xu, Indiana University
- Amanda Zacharias, University of Pennsylvania
Congratulations are also in order for the winners of GSA-sponsored awards at the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) 2013 National Conference and the 2013 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS, awards co-sponsored with the Society for Developmental Biology)! One graduate student and twenty-three undergraduates were recognized for their excellent presentations at these two recent meetings.
Included in this Issue:

Postdoctoral Fellowship, novel antimicrobials targeting pathogen-host interaction, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Assistant Professor of Cancer Biology, Cornell University Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ithaca, NY
Postdoctoral Fellow, mammalian embryonic development, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor, microbiology, Kansas State University, Division of Biology, Manhattan
Postdoc Research Associate, laboratory of Dr. Hui Zong, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Postdoctoral Fellowship, molecular genetics of cancer, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
Research Technician, Meyer Lab, University of California, Berkeley
Assistant/Associate Professor in Quantitative Genetics, University of California, Riverside
Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University
Do you have an ORCID research ID? ORCID is a persistent object identifier, kind of like a DOI for researchers! It’s a quick and easy way for you to keep track of your professional activities, including manuscript and grant submissions, article publications, professional activities and more! It’s perfect for ensuring that all your work is credited to you. And it makes it easier for you to provide this information when
you do things like apply for a grant. Registration is free, and it only takes about a minute.
Tired of waiting to appear in print or online after your article is accepted? The GSA Journals remind you that, with early online publication in GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, your article has a DOI and is in PubMed within a week of acceptance!
GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics together are recruiting papers for the following special focus issues:
An article in Science Careers profiles several scientists who have pursued careers in college science teaching, including Malcolm Campbell, winner of GSA’s 2013 Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education.
The Scientist reviewed three new short films created by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) designed to teach students about evolution and speciation. “The Origin of Species” series debuted at the National Association of Biology Teachers meeting in Atlanta, and serves as a teaching tool that clarifies the process of speciation; resources to accompany the films are available from HHMI.
The Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) reported on the research-based Bio44X class at Stanford in which more than 200 undergraduates each year study a human p53 mutation in a yeast model system. The creators are happy to help you replicate the course! Harness the power of yeast genetics for your classroom and introduce students to inquiry-based learning.
Thinking of a good idea for new platform technology? Respond to a challenge, “Identifying Revolutionary Platform Technologies for Advancing Life Sciences Research,” and you could win up to $40,000 by identifying "exceptional ideas for revolutionary new platform technologies" in the life sciences. Submit your idea by December 11.
The National Science Foundation has issued a new version of its Grant Proposal Guide, to be used for proposals submitted or due on/after February 24, 2014. Bookmark it now!
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research invites you to test drive the Science Experts Network, or SciENcv, a new tool to provide researchers an easy way to generate biosketches and progress reports for multiple agencies, including NIH, NSF, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Smithsonian Institution. (And, yes, it works with ORCID, mentioned above.)
TODAY is the Coalition for the Life Sciences Day of Action! If your lab is feeling the strain of tight federal funding, then we need you to act. Please take just a few minutes to let your Member of Congress know about the importance of scientific research: send a letter in a few simple clicks, post a message on their Facebook page or send a quick tweet using the hashtag #nomorecuts or #fixsequestration, write a letter-to-the-editor in your local paper, ask for a meeting with your elected representative. A few minutes of your time TODAY will help convince your Member of Congress of the importance of investments in research.
During a discussion at the Swedish Embassy in Washington, this year’s Nobel laureates discuss the challenges of science funding in the U.S., which yeast researcher and new laureate Randy Schekman described as “an unmitigated disaster.” Fellow physiology or medicine laureate James Rothman said, “I doubt very much that in today’s environment I would have been able to do the work I did in the early 5 to 10 years that led to my sitting here today and, more importantly the discoveries that resulted from it.”
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning to the direct-to-consumer genotyping company 23andMe that it needs to stop selling its DNA testing kit until it has received regulatory clearance or approval from the administration. Reuters provides excellent coverage, including input from NIH and our partners at ASHG.
And finally…
Recent highlights from the GSA’s social networking platforms. Keep up with the buzz by joining us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn:
- Two-time Nobel laureate Frederick Sanger, one of the innovators of DNA sequencing, has passed away at the age of 95.
- Help EMBL figure out which spectacular images to feature in its special 40th anniversary calendar.
- Check out the winner of this year’s “Dance Your Ph.D.” contest, sponsored by Science/AAAS!
- The Los Angeles Times reports on recent research in Drosophila. The article quotes GSA member Scott Pletcher as saying “Flies continue to impress me with their ability to serve as models for unusual things.”
- A blogger at Science Careers claims that the perfect time to have a baby is during graduate school…do you agree?
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
E-news items include news about GSA members – new positions, book
publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy
items; brief research news items and grant programs; and, award
nomination announcements.
Deadline for next
issue: December 13, 2013. Send items to Beth Ruedi,
eruedi@genetics-gsa.org. |