
May 11, 2016 |
New Faculty Profile
Javier Apfeld is an assistant professor in the Biology Department at Northeastern University where his lab uses C. elegans to dissect the interplay between redox processes and age-dependent changes in tissue function in the nematode |
Want to be considered for a new faculty profile? Complete this form. |
2016 GSA Award Nominations
Honor your outstanding colleagues by nominating them for a 2016 GSA award. Remember, individuals can't be chosen to receive an award unless they are nominated! Help us cultivate a strong and diverse pool of applicants for the following awards:
Policy |
What's it like to advocate for model organisms on Capitol Hill? Jeff Leips shares his experience at the "Wasteful Research?" poster session.
As GSA raises its public policy profile, we want to hear from you. Send science policy issues, troublesome articles on genetics, or local legislation that impacts your research to Policy@Genetics-GSA.org. |
GSA Journals
Fruit flies that devote an excessive amount of time to grooming themselves could serve as a powerful tool for understanding the inherited disorder neurofibromatosis, type 1 (NF-1), report researchers in the latest issue of G3. |
Neurofibromin Loss of Function Drives Excessive Grooming in Drosophila
Lanikea B. King, Marta Koch, Keith R. Murphy, Yoheilly Velazquez, William W. Ja and Seth M. Tomchik
G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics. April 2016 6:1083-1093 |

The basic premise |
GSA President Stan Fields questions disease-specific research funding in his latest frameshifts post. |
First gene linked to temperature-dependent sex determination |
New research in GENETICS identifies the first gene associated with temperature-dependent sex determination in any reptile. Variation at this gene in snapping turtles contributes to geographic differences in the way sex ratio is influenced by temperature. Understanding the genetics of sex determination could help predict how reptiles will evolve in response to climate change. |
Members in the News
Congratulations to the GSA members who were elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts & Sciences! |
Several GSA members were recently elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Congratulations! |
Education and Professional Development |
Check out our newest addition to GSA PREP, Genetics Research Project Laboratory: A Discovery-Based Undergraduate Research Course, a semester-long laboratory that utilizes the course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) model to help students develop core competencies and review genetics concepts. Two example lab manuals are offered, one using Drosophila mutants in mitochondrial function and one using Arabidopsis hormone mutants. This is a great resource for instructors looking to bring a meaningful research experience to the classroom. |

Looking for a job, or have one to offer? GeneticsCareers.org provides free job listings across the breadth of genetics—from academic, government, and industry positions to postdoctoral opportunities and much more. |
Funding, Fellowships, and Awards |
The Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Division at the National Science Foundation (NSF) has a new blog series that will highlight important aspects of the Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide. See the first infographic, which clarifies different funding mechanism available at NSF. |
Travel awards are available for the 2016 Postdoctoral Preparation Institute: Career Transitions - Advancing Biomedical Research Workforce Diversity to be held at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center June 2-3, 2016 in Bethesda, MD. Apply today! |
Show your #IAmGSA Support
Use the #IAmGSA hashtag on social media sites to share news about members, outreach, and research breakthroughs with the GSA community. |
News Around the Web |
Scientists solve CRISPR's ‘Energizer bunny’ problem. Read More |
Speak up about the subtle sexism in science. Read More |
Why aren’t there more scientists? A one-word explanation. Read More |
Sign up your lab, team or department |
GSA now offers group membership |
Stay up-to-date by following us on social media: |
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
e-News items include news about GSA members - new positions, book publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; award nomination announcements; and more.
Deadline for next issue: May 20, 2016. Send items (and feedback) to Chloe Poston, cposton@genetics-gsa.org. |