
May 25, 2016 |
Society News
Are you new to active learning in the classroom and want to pair up with an experienced colleague? The PALM Network is accepting applications for its next round of fellows and volunteer mentors. The application deadline is June 15, 2016. |
New Faculty Profile
Amanda Larracuente is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Rochester. Her research group integrates genomic, cytological and molecular approaches to study the impact of selfish DNA on genome evolution. |
Want to be considered for a new faculty profile? Complete this form. |
2016 GSA Award Nominations
Honor your outstanding colleagues by nominating them for a 2016 GSA award. Remember, individuals can't be chosen to receive an award unless they are nominated! Help us cultivate a strong and diverse pool of applicants for the following awards:
GSA member Ahna Skop recounts her trip to Capitol Hill to advocate for NSF funding and provides some tips for public outreach along the way. |
The Department of Labor released its update on the Overtime Rule, which requires postdocs to be paid above $47,476 or to receive overtime after working 40 hours. |
The National Academy of Sciences released its report on genetically engineered (GE) crops, stating that all the current GE crops on the market are safe to eat and detailing a plan to analyze new products as they are generated. |
GSA Journals
The eye of the fruit fly can serve as a useful model for complex human diseases such as cancer and diabetes. About two-thirds of essential genes in the Drosophila genome are involved in eye development. In the latest issue of G3, Iyer et al. describe Flynotyper, software that can quantify morphological defects in the Drosophila eye. |
Quantitative Assessment of Eye Phenotypes for Functional Genetic Studies Using Drosophila melanogaster
Janani Iyer, Qingyu Wang, Thanh Le, Lucilla Pizzo, Sebastian Grönke, Surendra S. Ambegaokar, Yuzuru Imai, Ashutosh Srivastava, Beatriz Llamusí Troisí, Graeme Mardon, Ruben Artero, George R. Jackson, Adrian M. Isaacs, Linda Partridge, Bingwei Lu, Justin P. Kumar and Santhosh Girirajan
Genes|Genomes|Genetics May 2016 6:1427-1437 |

Milking the Data: How genomic selection herded in a breeding boom by Sarah Bay |
After spending five years in the realm of “potentially field-changing,” technology eventually caught up with theory for genomic selection: medium-density SNP arrays became available for many agricultural species, and the real-world applications took off almost immediately. Dairy cattle breeders were the first to benefit. |
Keep Talking by Stan Fields |
If it’s impossible to convey the intricacies of biology in a few moments of conversation, what should we attempt to get across when we talk to non-scientists? At the least, we should try to transmit the idea that for a disease like cancer, more effective treatments come about only when biologists better understand processes like how genes suffer mutations and how cells divide – and that we gain most of this knowledge from studying simple organisms. |
Education and Professional Development |
Planning to come to the TAGC education pre-conference? Get the most out of the meeting with these strategies. |
There's still time to register for the education pre-conference events at TAGC. Check out the available workshops for educators at all levels. |
The semester is over—now is your chance to submit an original lab or exercise to GSA PREP and to suggest your favorite online videos, readings, and more for our Resource Room! |
Members in the News
Richard Cripps developed one of the first undergraduate lab classes where students use CRISPR to knock out Drosophila genes. |
Molly Przeworski says large genomic databases are "game changers" in human evolution research. |

Looking for a job, or have one to offer? GeneticsCareers.org provides free job listings across the breadth of genetics—from academic, government, and industry positions to postdoctoral opportunities and much more. |
Funding, Fellowships, and Awards |
The Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Division at the National Science Foundation (NSF) has a new blog series that will highlight important aspects of the Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide. See the latest infographic, which clarifies different types of submission available at NSF. |
Show your #IAmGSA Support
Use the #IAmGSA hashtag on social media sites to share news about members, outreach, and research breakthroughs with the GSA community. |
News Around the Web |
How DIY bio-hackers are changing the conversation around genetic engineering. Read More |
The gene that paints birds red. Read More |
Giraffe genome reveals clues to sky-scraping height. Read More |
Sign up your lab, team or department |
GSA now offers group membership |
Stay up-to-date by following us on social media: |
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
e-News items include news about GSA members - new positions, book publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; award nomination announcements; and more.
Deadline for next issue: June 3, 2016. Send items (and feedback) to Chloe Poston, cposton@genetics-gsa.org. |