
June 23, 2016 |
Society News
Leaders of several model organism communities, working with GSA, have come together to write a Statement of Support for the sustainable funding of model organism databases. Read the open letter to NIH and sign the Statement of Support today. |
New Faculty Profile
Divya Sitaraman is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of San Diego where her research group focuses on understanding sleep regulation and cellular mechanisms underlying spatial memory. |
Want to be considered for a new faculty profile? Complete this form. |
2016 GSA Award Nominations
Honor your outstanding colleagues by nominating them for a 2016 GSA award. Remember, individuals can't be chosen to receive an award unless they are nominated! Help us cultivate a strong and diverse pool of applicants for our awards:
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released the culminating report from their gene drive study. This report outlines the state of knowledge relative to the science, ethics, public engagement, and risk assessment as they pertain to research directions of gene drive systems and governance of the research process. |
The Supporters of Agriculture Research (SoAR) has released a collaborative report from 13 partnering universities and the SoAR Foundation. The report provides a compelling case to policymakers and the public for increased federal agricultural research funding by celebrating the advances and exploring the untapped potential of the agriculture and food sciences. |
NIGMS is looking for public responses to a request for information on strategies for modernizing biomedical graduate education. The information will assist NIGMS in identifying, developing and potentially implementing strategies to ensure that trainees gain the skills, abilities and knowledge required to be successful in the biomedical research workforce. |
GSA Journals
GENETICS Editor-in-Chief Mark Johnston writes about one of the journal's Centennial Classics: Lederberg on bacterial recombination and the first genetic analysis in bacteria |
Joshua Lederberg on Bacterial Recombination
Mark Johnston
GENETICS May 2016 203:613-614 |
The regions near chromosome ends are frequently laboratories of innovation, where gene families expand, translocate, and evolve new functions. But subtelomeric regions are challenging to sequence and often missing from genome assemblies. In the latest issue of G3, McIlwain et al. describe the near-complete genome sequence of a yeast strain developed for biofuels research. |
Genome Sequence and Analysis of a Stress-Tolerant, Wild-Derived Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Used in Biofuels Research
Sean J. McIlwain, David Peris, Maria Sardi, Oleg V. Moskvin, Fujie Zhan, Kevin S. Myers, Nicholas M. Riley, Alyssa Buzzell, Lucas S. Parreiras, Irene M. Ong, Robert Landick, Joshua J. Coon, Audrey P. Gasch, Trey K. Sato and Chris Todd Hittinger
Genes|Genomes|Genetics June 2016 6:1757-1766 |

Behind the Podium: TAGC Keynote Speaker Cori Bargmann by Dana Tucker |
Dr. Cori Bargmann studies how an animal’s genes, environment and experience cooperate to influence different behaviors. I spoke with her as she prepares for her keynote talk at The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC). |
Let’s connect by Stan Fields |
In my thirty plus years as a faculty member I've had a lot of people in tears sitting in my office. Too many to tally, really. They were women and men, grad students and postdocs, from the U.S. and abroad, from my lab and other labs. How do we – charged with responsibility for the research efforts of our groups – learn how to interact with people who have become so distraught? |
Education and Professional Development
Phil Hieter, former GSA President and a Co-Chair for The Allied Genetics Conference, works along with Dave Ng at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Dave started a popular card game, Phylo, as a method to teach people about biodiversity, and Phil had an idea—what if there was a card game that highlighted the importance of model organism research? |
The National Postdoctoral Survey was conceived and developed by postdocs in order to identify important issues within the U.S. postdoctoral community. The results of this survey will provide critical data to help inform and equip those who advocate for policy on behalf of postdocs everywhere. Help this researchers shine a light on the challenges faced by postdocs nationwide. |
Serving the leaders of tomorrow, today. Applications for the next round of GSA Trainee-Organized Symposia will be accepted until July 10, 2016. |
Members in the News
David Bilder weighs in on the importance of model organism databases and their continued funding in this Nature article. |
Rasmus Nielsen explains how Neanderthal DNA can tell us more about their populations 50,000-100,000 years ago. |

Looking for a job, or have one to offer? GeneticsCareers.org provides free job listings across the breadth of genetics—from academic, government, and industry positions to postdoctoral opportunities and much more. |
Show your #IAmGSA Support
Use the #IAmGSA hashtag on social media sites to share news with the GSA community about members, outreach, and research breakthroughs. Or share updates through our online portal www.IAmGSA.org |
News Around the Web |
Can scientists really have work/life balance? Read More |
Federal panel approves first use of CRISPR in humans. Read More |
Sign up your lab, team, or department |
GSA now offers group membership |
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Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
e-News items include news about GSA members - new positions, book publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; award nomination announcements; and more.
Deadline for next issue: July 1, 2016. Send items (and feedback) to Chloe Poston, cposton@genetics-gsa.org. |