
July 20, 2016 |
Society News
Deadline Extended! Bring the outreach and professional development workshops that you attended at TAGC to your local community with a GSA Trainee Organized Symposia. All undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc members are eligible to apply. Applications are due July 22, 2016. |
New Faculty Profile
Steven Zuryn is a Group Leader and Stafford Fox Research Fellow in the Queensland Brain Institute at the University of Queensland, Australiae. His research group uses C. elegans to study the emerging role of epigenetic mechanisms that help preserve correct cell function. |
Want to be considered for a new faculty profile? Complete this form. |
2017 GSA Award Nominations
Honor your outstanding colleagues by nominating them for a 2017 GSA award. Remember, individuals can't be chosen to receive an award unless they are nominated! Help us cultivate a strong and diverse pool of applicants for our awards:
Last week at The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC), National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins provided an overview of model organism support from his agency. |
NIGMS is looking for public responses to a request for information on strategies for modernizing biomedical graduate education. The information will assist NIGMS in identifying, developing and potentially implementing strategies to ensure that trainees gain the skills, abilities and knowledge required to be successful in the biomedical research workforce. |
GSA Journals
During its evolution, the budding yeast genome lost most of its introns. It has been suggested that the few that remain are retained because they play important functional roles. In the latest issue of GENETICS, Hooks et al. provide evidence that some yeast introns harbor functional noncoding RNA structures, and they explore the impact of one such intronic RNA on the salt stress response. |
Novel Intronic RNA Structures Contribute to Maintenance of Phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Katarzyna B. Hooks, Samina Naseeb, Steven Parker, Sam Griffiths-Jones, and Daniela Delneri
GENETICS July 2016 203:1469-1481 |
Genetic interactions are thought to affect risk for common human diseases, but identifying such interactions remain challenging. In the latest issue of G3, Murk and DeWan report an exhaustive search for statistical SNP-SNP interactions in 10 diseases using a large database of 45,171 subjects. No significant, replicable interactions were detected, suggesting that interactions of moderate-to-large effect size do not play major roles in affecting risk for these conditions. |
Exhaustive Genome-Wide Search for SNP-SNP Interactions Across 10 Human Diseases
William Murk and Andrew T. DeWan
Genes|Genomes|Genetics July 2016 6:2043-2050 |
It was Greek to me (Julius Caesar) by Stan Fields |
One of Shakespeare’s First Folios was recently on loan from the Folger Library to Seattle, and my wife and I went to view it. You don’t have to be a theatre-lover to feel awestruck peering at the page opened at: “To be or not to be...” in a printing from Shakespeare’s troupe made shortly after his death. Without the First Folio, no surviving Comedy of Errors, no Taming of the Shrew, no Tempest; half of the plays would have been lost. Seeing the First Folio got me wondering why we biologists today don’t write our papers as if we expect them to still be read in 400 years. |
Genetic test helps ponies leave the past behind
by Nicole Houpek |
For the past several decades, Shetland ponies’ collective past had caught up with them. A portion of the population of these miniature horses is affected by atavism, a phenomenon in which ancient characteristics are accidentally revived by mutations. Traits reincarnated in this way sometimes interact disastrously with the genetic background of the modern organism. In an article in the July issue of G3, researchers report not only the cause of this condition, but also a genetic test that can be applied to breeding programs immediately. |
Education and Professional Development
Starting a new job search, or looking for ways to revamp one that’s stagnated? Try applying the 80/20 rule. |
Members in the News
William Barrington shows that the impact of a diet depends on the genetics of the person eating. |
Phillip Messer's research on gene drives reveals a key safety feature in gene editing. |

Looking for a job, or have one to offer? GeneticsCareers.org provides free job listings across the breadth of genetics—from academic, government, and industry positions to postdoctoral opportunities and much more. |
Show your #IAmGSA Support
Use the #IAmGSA hashtag on social media sites year-round to share news with the GSA community about members, outreach, and research breakthroughs. Or, share updates through our online portal www.IAmGSA.org. Here are some of our favorite photos from TAGC. |
Funding, Fellowships, and Awards |
The application period for the Christin Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship program is open. An immersive experience, the program is designed to broaden fellows’ appreciation of employment opportunities outside academia and leave them with both a firm grasp of the important and dynamic role of science and technology in decision-making and a better understanding of the role that they can play in strengthening the science and technology enterprise for the betterment of mankind. |
The Warren Alpert Foundation invites nominations for the 2017 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize. Nominations should be made for scientific achievements that have led to the prevention, cure, or treatment of human disorders or for research for seminal scientific research findings that holds great promise to change our ability to treat disease. The deadline for receipt of nominations is October 31, 2016. |
News Around the Web |
How Will 'Cut And Paste' Technology Rewrite Our DNA? Read More |
The 7 biggest problems facing science, according to 270 scientists Read More |
Carl Zimmer is taking an epic quest through the human genome, starting with his own Read More |
Sign up your lab, team, or department |
GSA now offers group membership |
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Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
e-News items include news about GSA members - new positions, book publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; award nomination announcements; and more.
Deadline for next issue: July 29, 2016. Send items (and feedback) to Chloe Poston, cposton@genetics-gsa.org. |