
November 9, 2016 |
GSA Meetings |
Tomorrow's the deadline! Annual Drosophila Research Conference abstracts due November 10. |
Have you recently set up your lab? If so, don't miss the opportunity to present and network with other PIs at the PI Early Career Forum. When submitting your abstract, check the appropriate box on the submission form. Deadline November 10! |
Society News
Susan Lindquist, an influential and beloved member of the GSA community, died October 27. Lindquist’s bold research on protein misfolding and protein-based inheritance won her many accolades, including the GSA Medal in 2008. At Genes to Genomes, Christine Queitsch remembers her friend and mentor with a moving tribute. |
Students and Postdocs |
On December 1, 2016, changes to US labor laws will affect postdocs across the nation. Future of Research has gathered data on the responses planned by the institutions that employ ~85% of the postdoctoral workforce. |
A unique postdoc opportunity at Columbia University for PhD graduates in neuroscience who have extensive acquaintance with a discipline in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. |
Career counselor Melanie Sinche helps scientists navigate the job market and has written “Next Gen PhD: A Guide to Career Paths in Science” to provide step-by-step guidance on how to find your way to satisfying work. |
GSA Journals
Remember, GSA Journals GENETICS and G3 encourage the use of preprints. Deposit your preprint into bioRxiv when you submit your manuscript. Disseminate your work for discussion as it's being reviewed. Win win! |
For virtually every biological rule, an exception lies in some organism on some branch of the tree of life: Meiosis is fair. Mating is random. Chromosomes govern inheritance. The genetic code is universal. In a GENETICS Centennial commentary, Linnea Sandell and Sarah Otto argue that in the next century of genetics, our vision of the field will move increasingly away from trying to understand the general pattern of biology toward grappling with its variability. |
Probing the Depths of Biological Diversity During the Second Century of GENETICS
Linnea Sandell and Sarah P. Otto
GENETICS October 2016 204: 395-400 |
Recombination hotspots in most mammals depend on the protein PRDM9. In dogs, however, this protein has been inactivated by mutation. How has the dog recombination landscape been affected? In the latest issue of G3, Campbell et al. present a pedigree analysis of recombination in dogs. Overall their data suggest that dogs have similar broad-scale properties of recombination to humans, while fine-scale recombination is similar to other species lacking PRDM9. |
A Pedigree-Based Map of Recombination in the Domestic Dog Genome
Christopher L. Campbell, Claude Bhérer, Bernice E. Morrow, Adam R. Boyko, and Adam Auton
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics November 2016 6:3517-3524 |

That which we call AROSE |
GSA President Stan Fields discusses the naming of new technologies. |
GSA-Art: Joanne Topol |
GSA-Art features the creative works of scientists. This post features the abstract paintings of artist and Drosophila geneticist Joanne Topol. |
Using yeast to expose cancer's genetic vulnerabilities |
Research in yeast genetics can help shed light on the pathways that lead to cancer. |
Members in the News |
Research from the lab of Hopi Hoekstra, who will serve on the GSA Board of Directors in 2017/18, has identified a surprising player involved in the formation of stripe patterns on rodent coats. |
Gene drive work by GSA members Ethan Bier and Valentino Gantz inspired Indian philanthropists to give $70M for the creation of a new genetics research institute. |
To create their enormous map of yeast genetic interactions, the research groups of G3 Editor-in-Chief Brenda Andrews and G3/GENETICS Associate Editor Charlie Boone created approximately 23 million yeast strains. |
A rave review in CBE-Life Sciences Education of Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide, says “the book is, to date, the ultimate guide for designing courses in a manner that takes advantage of the ways students learn best.” |
Policy |
A new President means an entirely new cast of Cabinet members and political appointees, including a new White House science advisor, and heads of the DOE, NASA, NIH, NOAA, and the NIST. |
What does a Trump presidency mean for science? How can scientists make their voice heard on Capitol Hill? Register by November 15 for a new FASEB Webinar – After Election Day: What’s Next for Research Funding. |
GSA member Alexandra Erwin summarizes what she learned about science advocacy at the “Advocating for Science Symposium”, including many practical tips. |
Funding and Awards |
A post at the NIH Open Mike blog analyzes data and trends comparing R01 and R21 applications and awards. Applications for R21 awards, which are intended for exploratory/developmental work, have been growing faster than traditional R01 applications. |

Looking for a job or have one to offer? GeneticsCareers.org provides free job listings across the breadth of genetics—from academic, government, and industry positions to postdoctoral opportunities and much more. |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
e-News items include news about GSA members - new positions, book publication, awards or grants received, and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; award nomination announcements; and more.
Deadline for next issue: November 18, 2016. Send items (and feedback) to Cristy Gelling, cgelling@thegsajournals.org. |