
November 23, 2016 |
Society News |
Big news! The audio and slides from many TAGC presentations will soon be publicly available as videos on the GSA YouTube channel. If you believe you consented to your TAGC presentation being recorded and have not received an email from GSA, please check your spam filter and contact Cristy Gelling: cgelling@thegsajournals.org |
Stay tuned for more details, but in the meantime you can watch Leonard Zon’s popular talk Translating zebrafish development to the clinic. |
Republican lawmakers are planning to freeze the federal budget at current levels until March 2017, jeopardizing a slated $2 billion increase in NIH funding. NIH Director Francis Collins called the plan "an extremely unfortunate and painful outcome for biomedical research.” Use FASEB’s legislative action center to send a message to Congress, find contact details of legislators, and sign up for FASEB action alerts. Click “Advocacy campaign” in the “Action” box to send an email to congress asking them to approve the proposed research funding increases. |
GSA Meetings |
Drosophila researchers: Don't forget to nominate your talented grad students for the Larry Sandler Award! Deadline December 22, 2016. |
Students and Postdocs
We are pleased to announce Sonia Hall will be serving as Program Director for Early Career Scientist Engagement. Sonia is a postdoc at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and will be helping get students and postdocs more involved in shaping the GSA. Apply now to serve on a new committee for early career scientists. Deadline: December 19, 2016.
Photo credit: Earl Richardson |
Grad students interested in policy: Apply for the AIBS Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award. Deadline January 9, 2017. |
Applications for the L'Oréal Women in Science postdoctoral fellowships open November 28, 2016. |
Sometimes students have no choice but to put their graduate studies on hold. What's the best strategy to ensure a PhD pause does not become a full stop? |
GSA Journals
Alfred Sturtevant's 1925 Classic revealed how unequal crossing over could generate the puzzling Bar phenotypes in Drosophila. Sturtevant's work showed that Bar alleles were comprised of units that could be added together or separated by recombination, a remarkable insight that would take nearly 90 years to confirm at the molecular level. |
Alfred Sturtevant Walks into a Bar: Gene Dosage, Gene Position, and Unequal Crossing Over in Drosophila
Mariana F. Wolfner and Danny E. Miller
GENETICS November 2016 204: 833-835 |
Dear Mr. Trump |
GSA President Stan Fields writes to President-elect Donald Trump to explain why he should surprise the world and make science the cornerstone of his administration. |
As we face uncertainty, let's stand together |
GSA Executive Director Tracey DePellegrin talks about the importance of standing together and science advocacy. |
High Temperatures Suppress Seizures in a Fruit Fly Epilepsy Model |
The human brain is an amazing machine powered by electricity. Carefully controlled patterns of changing electrical charges in neurons allow us to to think, move, and speak. When this system is disrupted, very bad things happen. |
GSA-Art: Bonny Brewer |
Bonny Brewer combines her love of science and sewing to create dramatic art quilts. |
Members in the News |
Science and policy experts, led by GSA member Keith Yamamoto, released a set of recommendations aimed at improving the NIH. They also offered advice on choosing an NIH director—ideally within Trump's first 100 days in office. |
The labs of GENETICS Associate Editors Graham Coop and Rasmus Nielsen have independently shown that the Neanderthals' small population size likely contributed to reduced fitness and could explain why Neanderthal DNA in modern human genomes tends to be depleted near functional regions. |
Check out the spectacular winning entries in FASEB’s 2016 BioArt contest! Congratulations to GSA members Scott Chimileski, George Eisenhoffer, Leslie Mitchell, Jef Boeke (also a member of the Board of Directors in 2017/18), William Munoz, and Xin Sun. |
Education |
In CBE-Life Sciences Education, Haeger and Fresquez examine the factors that influence the outcomes of mentored undergraduate research experiences. These findings serve as a resource for improving the quality of mentoring in research, supporting a greater diversity of students in the STEM disciplines. |
Policy |
Did you miss FASEB's webinar on the effect of the 2016 elections on biological and biomedical research? The archived presentation is now freely available online. The session also discussed the funding outlook for research agencies during the “lame duck” session of Congress currently underway, and an overview of tools you can use to advocate for science. |
A series of Tweets by a former congressional staffer offers concise and pragmatic advice on how to effectively talk to your Member of Congress. |
Funding and Awards |
Nominations are open for the Albany Prize, which is awarded for work that has led to significant advances in health care and scientific research, with demonstrated translational benefits for improved patient care. |

Looking for a job or have one to offer? GeneticsCareers.org provides free job listings across the breadth of genetics—from academic, government, and industry positions to postdoctoral opportunities and much more. |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
e-News items include news about GSA members - new positions, book publication, awards or grants received, and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; award nomination announcements; and more.
Deadline for next issue: December 2, 2016. Send items (and feedback) to Cristy Gelling, cgelling@thegsajournals.org. |