Photos and tweets from the March for Science |
Society News |
Why GSA President Lynn Cooley marched for science |
Many members of the GSA community joined the March for Science last Saturday, April 22. Read about what inspired GSA’s President to march and why the Society supports this international movement.
» genestogenomes.org |
Early Career Scientist Leadership Spotlight — Elaine Welch |
Elaine Welch is a zebrafish researcher from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and serves on the GSA Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee.
» genestogenomes.org |
Journals |
Protein variance in tightly controlled developmental processes |
The critical signaling protein Sonic Hedgehog shows marked cell-to-cell variance in the early hours of limb development.
» genestogenomes.org |
Navigate the yeast genetic interaction network |
TheCellMap.org is a web-based database and intuitive visualization tool for exploring the global yeast genetic interaction network produced by genome-scale Synthetic Genetic Array experiments.
» g3journal.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Webinar on law and policy career paths for biologists |
GSA partner organization the American Institute for Biological Sciences will hold a one-hour webinar on May 11 exploring different career paths scientists can pursue in the legal and policy space. Register online to participate.
» aibs.org |
New GSA newsletter for students and postdocs |
Watch your inbox for the first issue of the Early Career Scientist (ECS) Monthly, coming soon! This e-newsletter is designed for student and postdoc GSA members by the ECS Policy Subcommittee and will feature career and professional development resources, opportunities, and a sampling of diverse job ads. We invite student and postdoc GSA members (including those outside the US) to apply to join our Early Career Scientist Steering Committee and get involved in leading new initiatives.
» genetics-gsa.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
Mentoring skills to improve diversity in science |
Many faculty don’t feel prepared to address cultural diversity in their research mentoring relationships. GSA partner organization the National Research Mentoring Network will hold a one-hour webinar tomorrow, April 27, introducing their training in Culturally Aware Mentoring.
» nrmnet.net |
Policy |
Urge Congress to increase 2017 research budgets |
This Friday, US Congress faces a deadline to finalize 2017 budgets for government agencies. Contact your Representatives and Senators now to urge them to vote in favor of robust research funding increases. FASEB, which represents the GSA and 29 other scientific societies, has released a new advocacy toolkit that makes this process easier, including updated factsheets on federal research investment by state and district.
» faseb.org |
Community Announcements |
Summer course on zebrafish development and genetics |
Apply for the Marine Biological Laboratory’s "Zebrafish Development and Genetics" summer course by Monday May 1st. This year, the intensive two-week training period will conclude with a special day-long symposium marking the 20th anniversary of the course. Scholarships and financial assistance are available.
» mbl.edu |
Members in the News |
Hopi Hoekstra in the New York Times |
In the New York Times, Carl Zimmer explores fascinating work from the lab of GSA Board member Hopi Hoekstra on parental care and monogamy in oldfield mice.
» nytimes.com |
Marnie Halpern on public radio |
GENETICS Associate Editor Marnie Halpern was interviewed by WYPR before the March for Science about why she and a busload of colleagues from the Carnegie Institution for Science were taking part in the event.
» wypr.org |
John Novembre in Quanta Magazine |
GENETICS Associate Editor John Novembre is profiled in Quanta Magazine, touching on the motivations behind his work, the challenges of using DNA to interpret the past, and the racial legacy of genetics research.
» quantamagazine.org |
GeneticsCareers.org |
Research Associate / genomics, evolutionary biology
Buck Institute, Garrison Lab
Posdoctoral Research Scholar
Buck Institute, Garrison Lab
Cancer Genomics Investigators
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Postdoctoral Associates - gene regulation / mitosis
Virginia Tech
Postdoctoral researcher in Drosophila parasitism
Whiteman Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
Postdoctoral Position - Epigenomics and Gene Regulation
Vanderbilt Genetic Institute
Postdoc & technician positions / experimental evolution of gene drives in yeast
UC San Diego
Postdoctoral Research Associate / quantitative genetics
Oregon State University
Research Associate/Senior Research Associate, Genomics
Genomic Research Scientist
GeneDx, Inc
Fully funded PhD positions in Germany / evolutionary biology
Meyer lab, Konstanz, Germany
Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Statistical Genetics
University of Pittsburgh |
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