Society News |
Vote in the GSA Board elections |
All GSA members are invited to vote for the 2018 GSA Vice-President/2019 President and for three new Directors. Check your e-mail next Tuesday, September 5, 2017 for your personalized ballot code, as well as the candidates’ biographies and election statements. The ballot includes four sections with two candidates each: |
2018 Vice-President/2019 President
Terry Magnuson
Dmitri A. Petrov
Director 1
Kirsten Bomblies
Amy Lawton-Rauh
Director 2
Cassandra Extavour
Catherine (Katie) Peichel
Director 3
Gary Churchill
Matthew W. Hahn |
GSA Meetings |
Save the date: International Xenopus Conference |
The 17th International Xenopus Conference will be held August 12–16, 2018, at the University of Washington, Seattle. Watch out for the Conference website, which will be announced in the e-news toward the end of September. |
Journals |
How the genetics of seizure susceptibility changes over time |
Ferland et al. show that after multiple seizures, the genetic basis of seizure variation in mice shifts from previously identified genomic regions to new ones.
» genestogenomes.org |
Revisiting Waddington: A new explanation for an old experiment |
In the 1940s, C. H. Waddington discovered a peculiar phenomenon in fruit flies: traits could appear in response to environmental stress and then be passed down to future generations. Fanti and Piacentini et al. revisit Waddington’s famous experiments using modern sequencing technology.
» genestogenomes.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Dave Zucker on career changes and the ups and downs of founding a startup |
In the latest Decoding Life post, the founder of Drosophila automation startup FlySorter talks about treating new positions as training, and how he builds his own community of colleagues from different fields.
» genestogenomes.org |
The GSA Early Career Scientist Leadership Program |
As part of the GSA’s renewed focus on early career members, Director of Engagement and Development Sonia Hall has created an innovative Leadership Program for grad student and postdoc members. Now that the Program is in full swing, Sonia talks about how it’s going and what has surprised her about working with the early career leaders and their advisors.
» genestogenomes.org |
Policy |
Research!America calls on Congress to raise the budget caps |
Congress is about to resume work on the 2018 US federal budget. Research!America, one of GSA’s policy partners, is leading a two-day digital effort to convince policymakers that a bipartisan budget deal is imperative. Follow #RaiseTheCaps on social media on September 11 and 12 to join the call.
» researchamerica.org |
Community Announcements |
In Memoriam: Robert C. King (1928–2017) |
Robert C. King, Professor of genetics at Northwestern University, passed away on June 25th. Bob King is widely known for his definitive work on the morphological characteristics and classification of the fourteen developmental stages of Drosophila oogenesis, and other foundational contributions to understanding this important model system.
» genestogenomes.org |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Recruiting six faculty members
University of Medicine & Health Sciences, St. Kitts
Assistant Professor - Tenure Track
University of Tulsa
Cancer Genetic Epidemiology
National Cancer Institute
Lecturer in Genetics and Forensic Biology
University of Vermont
Medical Research Analyst - Genetics
Hayes, Inc
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale University
Custom Quality Control Analyst I
Integrated DNA Technologies
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
Arizona State University
Associate Specialist Step I-IV
UC Berkeley |
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