Society News |
Don't forget to vote! |
Be sure to cast your vote for new positions on the GSA Board of Directors before October 5. Check your e-mail inbox for your personal ballot link, which was sent on September 21.
» genetics-gsa.org |
GSA Meetings |
Submit your #DROS18 abstracts! |
Get ready! You may submit your abstracts for the 59th Annual Drosophila Research Conference starting next Monday, October 2. The abstract submission deadline is November 16, 2017.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Journals |
How model organism researchers can help solve rare disease puzzles |
A review by Wangler et al. describes numerous tools clinicians and basic scientists have at hand to help them work together on puzzling rare diseases.
» genestogenomes.org |
A gene linked to human obesity also controls fat deposition in plants |
There’s no such thing as an obese plant. But that doesn’t mean plants can’t teach us something about fat.
» genestogenomes.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Mary Ellen Wiltrout on switching from lab work to creating innovative science education programs |
In the latest Decoding Life interview, Mary Ellen Wiltrout, a Biology Digital Learning Scientist and Curriculum Development Specialist at MITx, highlights the importance of maintaining connections and gaining experience for a successful career in science education.
» genestogenomes.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
NIH RFA: Population-Based Model Organism Research for G x E Exploration |
NIH Program Officer Kim McAllister is reaching out to the GSA community to alert you to a funding opportunity that will support R01 research projects related to population-based model organism research.
» grants.nih.gov |
Community Announcements |
Repetitive DNA Symposium at NYU |
"Cracking the Repetitive DNA Code" is a GSA Career Development Symposium organized by early career scientists on the structure and functions of the repetitive genome. The event takes place October 27 at New York University.
» repeatdna.wixsite.com |
Members in the News |
Alexandra Erwin receives STEMMy Award |
Early Career Scientist Steering Committee Co-Chair Alexandra Erwin (University of Kansas) has received the 2017 STEMMy Student Achiever Award from Central Exchange, a nonprofit that works to increase gender diversity in leadership positions in the Kansas City region. Erwin's award is presented to a woman in STEM with demonstrated academic success and community involvement.
» cxstemmys.com |
Nicole Green featured in science art auction |
The science art of Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee member Nicole Green (Kansas State University) was featured at a fundraising dinner hosted by the Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute. The art was auctioned off to raise money for local STEM programs for young students.
» kclifesciences.org |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Research Associate – Drosophila Assay Development
Perlara PBC
Scientist I
GeneDx, Inc
Assistant Professor - Stem Cells/Regeneration
University at Albany
Assistant Research Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Postdoc: DNA re-replication
Brown University
LSU Health Sciences Center
PhD position in evolutionary genetics
East Carolina University |
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