Society News |
Grad students save lives |
GSA President Lynn Cooley tells a personal story of how science has affected her life—and why we must defend the accessibility of graduate education.
» genestogenomes.org |
How Boston postdocs created the career symposium they needed |
The Boston Symposium on Careers and Collaboration in Science got started with funding through GSA’s Career Development Symposia program, but from this early seed the organizers were able to grow their financial support by ten-fold—and scale up their event to match their big goals.
» genestogenomes.org |
GSA Meetings |
Award for recent Drosophila PhDs |
The Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture is presented by an outstanding recent PhD graduate on the opening night of the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Nominations are due December 21.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Award for students and recent PhDs in population, evolutionary, and quantitative genetics |
Finalists for the James F. Crow Early Career Researcher Award will present their research in a high profile session at #PEQG18. Please spread the word about this award. We encourage you or your students to apply! Applications are due February 15, 2018.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Journals |
Interviews with 2017 GSA Award recipients |
Read interviews with Susan Gerbi, Jonathan Hodgkin, Sally Hoskins, David Kingsley, and Richard Lewontin in the latest issue of GENETICS.
» genetics.org |
New Software and Data Resources in G3 |
The first two articles in the new Software and Data Resources format were published in the December issue of G3: ARSDA: A New Approach for Storing, Transmitting and Analyzing Transcriptomic Data and rSalvador: An R Package for the Fluctuation Experiment.
» g3journal.org |
GENETICS Editor in Chief appointed to NHGRI Council |
Congratulations to Mark Johnston, Editor in Chief of GENETICS, on his appointment as a full member of the National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research. The Council advises the US Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH, and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), on genetics, genomic research, training, and programs related to the human genome initiative.
» genome.gov |
Students and Postdocs |
Danielle Blecha-Bashirullah on hiring self-motivated team workers, salary negotiations, and putting the phone away at night |
In the latest "Decoding Life" interview, the founder of a biotech consulting company offers advice on negotiating salaries and the skills needed for starting your own business.
» genestogenomes.org |
Early career scientist leadership spotlight—Zach Farrow |
Zach Farrow is co-chair of the Diversity Subcommittee and works as technical support at a genetic sequencing and bioinformatics service provider. He wants to help foster an open scientific environment where diversity is recognized and valued.
» genestogenomes.org |
Early career scientist leadership spotlight — Tiffany Baiocchi |
Tiffany Baiocchi is a member of the Diversity Subcommittee and studies how odors serve as environmental cues to inform behavioral decisions by nematodes. She is helping to develop a mentoring initiative to provide a welcoming environment for students with a diverse array of life experiences.
» genestogenomes.org |
GSA participates in early career leadership forum |
The recent Future of Research symposium "Expanding Leadership Roles for Early Career Researchers" aimed to create an action plan to advocate for the creation of more leadership opportunities for early career scientists. Several members of the GSA community were involved in organizing the event: Sonia Hall (GSA Director, Engagement and Development), Emily Lescak (GSA Early Career Scientist Policy Subcommittee), Gary McDowell (advisor to the GSA Early Career Scientist Policy Subcommittee), and Sarah Dykstra (a GSA member). GSA's Executive Director, Tracey DePellegrin, was a panelist. Stay tuned for the report from the meeting.
» futureofresearch.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
Putting active learning into practice: an interview with PALM fellow Christopher Baker and PALM mentor Michelle Smith |
The PALM network helps faculty and postdocs gain hands-on experience and long-term mentorship in putting active learning strategies into practice. Learn more about how you can benefit from the program in this interview with previous participants.
» genestogenomes.org |
Policy |
e-Action Alert: Tell Congress to Protect Graduate Student Tuition Waivers |
Our partners at FASEB have provided a simple form and template for e-mailing your representatives to support the tax-free status of tuition waivers in the US.
» faseb.org |
Is your research a clinical trial? The answer may surprise you. |
If you conduct basic research with human subjects, NIH may consider your work to be a clinical trial, even if you do not.
» washingtonupdate.faseb.org |
Members in the News |
Congratulations to new AAAS Fellows! |
Congratulations to the GSA members and others in our community who have been newly elected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, including:
Karen M. Arndt, University of Pittsburgh
Daniel Barbash, Cornell University
Susan K. Dutcher, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Matthew W. Hahn, Indiana University
Philip J. Hastings, Baylor College of Medicine
Denise Montell, University of California, Santa Barbara
Richard W. Padgett, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Lorraine Pillus, University of California, San Diego
J. Chris Pires, University of Missouri-Columbia
Alison L. Van Eenennaam, University of California, Davis
» aaas.org |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Academic and Outreach Coordinator/Instructor
University of California, Irvine
Joint PhD in genetic epidemiology (Yale and NTNU)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Biological Sciences: Tenure Track Faculty
Quinnipiac University
Postdoc: Maternal effects on mitochondrial function and neurodegeneration
Marine Biological Laboratory
Postdoctoral Associate – Evolutionary Genomics
The Jackson Laboratory for Mammalian Genetics
Genomic Research Scientist
GeneDx, Inc |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
We welcome submissions to both the GSA e-News (sent to all GSA members) and the Early Career Scientist Weekly (sent to student and postdoc GSA members). Items for the ECS Weekly include resources, awards, fellowships, grants, courses, and other opportunities applicable to early career scientists. News about GSA members includes new positions, book or op-ed publication, awards received, achievements, obits and others. We also invite other announcements relevant to GSA members, such as award nominations, new grant programs, etc. |