Society News |
New Fly News issue |
Drosophila researchers: did you catch the Fly News last week? Don’t miss out on all the news and updates from the Fly Board and the rest of the community!
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
GSA Meetings |
Abstracts due soon for Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics |
Submit your abstracts now for the Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference 2018! Abstracts are due February 15.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Students and recent PhDs: Apply for the Crow Award now |
Students and recent PhDs in any area of population, evolutionary, or quantitative genetics are invited to apply for the James F. Crow Award for Early Career Researchers. Finalists will present in a high-profile session at #PEQG18 and the winner will be selected by invited speakers Jonathan Pritchard, Katie Peichel, and Trudy Mackay.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Journals |
Zebrafish offer hope for understanding severe form of epilepsy |
Zebrafish antiquitin mutants not only mimic the recurrent seizures of the human disease pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy, but they also recapitulate many of its biochemical anomalies.
» genestogenomes.org |
Sperm and eggs don’t always join at random |
In a review in GENETICS, Joseph Nadeau explores cases in which nonrandom pairing of sperm and egg at fertilization distorts the expected ratio of offspring genotypes.
» genestogenomes.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Grant writing and lab meetings prepared Nigel Delaney with skills that enhance his role in industry |
A vice president at a startup talks about his transition from team member to manager and the value of PhD training.
» genestogenomes.org |
Yaihara Fortis Santiago on addressing the diverse needs of early career scientists |
A manager of postdoctoral affairs discusses her journey from Puerto Rico to a fulfilling career helping early career scientists advance their scientific training.
» genestogenomes.org |
Brooke LaFlamme, Chief Editor of Communications Biology, wants you to know that editors are not the enemy |
A journal editor considers careers in science communications and the value of informational interviews.
» genestogenomes.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
Nominate outstanding women in biological science for the FASEB Excellence in Science Award |
Nominations are open for the FASEB Excellence in Science Award. Recipients are women whose career achievements have contributed significantly to further our understanding of a particular discipline by excellence in research.
» washingtonupdate.faseb.org |
Policy |
Urge US Congress to #RAISETHECAPS |
Today is the last day of GSA partner Research!America’s social media campaign encouraging Congress to lift the austerity level budget caps established under the 2011 Budget Control Act. Without an agreement to lift these caps, the FY18 budget for science agencies will be constrained to a level even lower than in FY17.
» cqrcengage.com |
Raise the Caps advocacy webinar |
Join GSA partner FASEB on January 23 for the webinar “Capitol Hill Budget Update: Join the Fight to Raise the Caps.” Learn what researchers can do to urge Congress to increase funding for the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and other science agencies. Full registration information coming soon.
» washingtonupdate.faseb.org |
Members in the News |
This Worm Evolved Self-Fertilization and Lost a Quarter of Its DNA |
Research by GSA members Eric Haag (University of Maryland), Erich Schwarz (Cornell University), and their colleagues was featured in the New York Times. They discovered that the self-fertile Caenorhabditis briggsae lost about 7000 genes since it diverged from C. nigoni a million years ago.
» nytimes.com |
Congratulations to BioArt Contest winners |
Congrats to creative GSA members Scott Chimileski, David Oppenheimer, and Rachel K. Miller, who are among the winners of this year’s FASEB BioArt Contest.
» faseb.org |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Biocurator II
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
University of Manitoba
Teaching Assistant Professor
East Carolina University
Sr. Research Coordinator – Human Genetics and Genomics
NYU Langone Health
Bioinformatics Scientist
Progenity, Inc.
Postdoc: Chromatin and Transcription
Brown University
Postdoc: Human population genetics
University of Toronto
Postdoc: Neurogenetics
Keck Graduate Institute |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
We welcome submissions to both the GSA e-News (sent to all GSA members) and the Early Career Scientist Weekly (sent to student and postdoc GSA members). Items for the ECS Weekly include resources, awards, fellowships, grants, courses, and other opportunities applicable to early career scientists. News about GSA members includes new positions, book or op-ed publication, awards received, achievements, obits and others. We also invite other announcements relevant to GSA members, such as award nominations, new grant programs, etc. |