Learn about the 2018 recipients of the Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education.
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Society News |
Nominations open for GSA Awards |
Nominate outstanding scientists, educators, and community leaders for the GSA’s annual awards by October 3.
» genetics-gsa.org |
GSA Meetings |
Save the Date: 30th Fungal Genetics Conference |
Join us at Asilomar March 12–17, 2019 for the 30th Fungal Genetics Conference.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Save the Date: 60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference |
Celebrate 60 years of buzz at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference, March 27–31, 2019 in Dallas, TX.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Journals |
A look into how fur seals rebounded after overhunting |
A new genome assembly for Antarctic fur seals sheds light on their historic comeback after 19th century hunting.
» genestogenomes.org |
Midnight munchers: starved worms can’t sleep |
Food-deprivation inhibits the stress-induced sleep response in C. elegans.
» genestogenomes.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Apply for the Early Career Scientist Leadership and Professional Development Program |
Build a portfolio of work that demonstrates your skills while teaming up with a great community of students and postdocs!
» genetics-gsa.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
Peer-tutoring helps students succeed |
Biology students who participated in a one-on-one homework activity with a classmate showed increased learning gains.
» genestogenomes.org |
Promoting good mentoring in science careers |
GSA partner FASEB will offer a webinar on September 25 examining successful mentor-mentee programs and relationships.
» faseb.org |
Policy |
NIH Director gives testimony on foreign influence in US-Funded Research |
GSA partner FASEB reports on recent testimony given by NIH Director Francis Collins to the US Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on recent cases of foreign entities attempting to inappropriately influence or subvert the funding peer review process.
» faseb.org |
Community Announcements |
LGBTQ+ STEM recognition awards |
Nominate outstanding LGBTQ+ colleagues for the recognition awards of the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals. Nominations close on October 31.
» noglstp.org |
Share your ideas for the future of genomic medicine |
GSA members of all career stages are invited to a Community Town Hall to help shape the direction of the National Human Genome Research Institute’s 2020–2030 strategic plan. The Town Hall will take place in Atlanta, GA, at the Morehouse School of Medicine, on September 26.
» msm.edu |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Professor - Chair in Integrative Physiology
University of Toronto
Chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Postdocs: Neuroepidemiology
Boston Children's Hospital
Fungal Geneticist
Bolt Threads
Postdoc: Developmental Gene Regulation of Wnt Signaling
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor in Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics
University of Utah
Postdoc: chromatin - DNA repair - nuclear dynamics - Chiolo Lab
University of Southern California
Laboratory Technician
Harvard University
Faculty in Social Genomics
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
We welcome submissions to both the GSA e-News (sent to all GSA members) and the Early Career Scientist Weekly (sent to student and postdoc GSA members). Items for the ECS Weekly include resources, awards, fellowships, grants, courses, and other opportunities applicable to early career scientists. News about GSA members includes new positions, book or op-ed publication, awards received, achievements, obits and others. We also invite other announcements relevant to GSA members, such as award nominations, new grant programs, etc. |