Society News |
Apply for GSA Travel Awards |
Applications are now open for GSA’s student and postdoc travel awards. These include the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics, Undergraduate Travel Awards, and the Victoria Finnerty Undergraduate Travel Awards. Apply by November 13.
» genetics-gsa.org |
Vote now in the GSA Board elections |
All GSA members are invited to vote for new officers and members of the Board of Directors. Check your e-mail for your personal ballot code, which was sent from society@genetics-gsa.org on October 9. |
Nominations invited for the Gruber Prizes |
The Gruber Foundation invites nominations of outstanding scientists for the Gruber Genetics Prize or the Gruber Neuroscience Prize. Each prize, which is accompanied by a $500,000 unrestricted monetary award, is designed both to recognize groundbreaking work in each field and to inspire additional efforts that effect fundamental shifts in knowledge and culture. GSA partners with the Gruber Foundation in establishing the selection committee for the Genetics Prize. Nominations are due December 15.
» gruber.yale.edu |
GSA Meetings |
Time flies: Get ready for #Dros19 |
In the fall of 1958, a handful of colleagues met to talk “more or less endlessly” for two days, mainly about the fruit fly Drosophila. Sixty-one years later, more than 1,500 Drosophila researchers from hundreds of labs are expected at the direct descendant of that first informal gathering.
» genestogenomes.org |
#Dros19 workshop applications due |
Do you have a great idea for a workshop at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference? Workshop proposals are due by November 7. The conference organizers will evaluate potential sessions based on the following criteria: rising and upcoming fields, fresh ideas, diversity, community-building potential, and interest to the community.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Journals |
What’s the cost of a slip in translation? |
Programmed ribosomal frameshifting has translational costs that may influence codon usage bias.
» genestogenomes.org |
The Sleep Inbred Panel: flies with extreme sleep patterns |
A new collection of inbred flies provides a tool for studying genetic control of sleep.
» genestogenomes.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Apply now to hone your communication skills and build your network |
Are you a student or postdoc with a passion for science communication and outreach? Gain valuable experience, professional skills, portfolio pieces, and a vibrant network by applying for the Communication and Outreach Subcommittee of GSA’s Early Career Scientist Leadership and Professional Development Program.
» genestogenomes.org |
Career tips: Applying for a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship |
Are you interested in applying for the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships? To help you prepare, Giovanna Collu, co-chair of the Early Career Scientist Policy Subcommittee, has compiled some tips learned from current and former fellows.
» genestogenomes.org |
Apply for the HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellows program |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute is accepting applications for the Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program. This program seeks to increase diversity in the biomedical research community by recruitment and retention of individuals from groups underrepresented in the life sciences.
» hhmi.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
Not sure where to start with implementing active learning? |
The PALM Fellowship program helps postdoc and faculty instructors put active learning into practice under the mentorship of experienced educators. Fellows receive mentored training and funding for travel. Apply by October 30.
» palm.ascb.org |
Policy |
NIH Seeks Input on Proposed Data Management and Sharing Policy |
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking input on proposed key provisions for a potential data management and sharing policy for research funded by the agency. NIH will host an informational webinar on November 7.
» washingtonupdate.faseb.org |
Community Announcements |
Cell Competition in Development and Disease |
This Keystone Symposium brings together researchers from diverse fields who study competitive and cooperative interactions between cells. It will cover recent findings on quality control systems, developing tissues, stem cell populations and tumorigenesis, as well as address important evolutionary aspects of competitive and cooperative behavior in diverse model systems.
» keystonesymposia.org |
Does public engagement really matter? |
GSA is one of 30 scientific organizations participating in a landmark survey—administered by ScienceCounts and the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science—to assess members’ views on science communication and public engagement. Please take 15 minutes to complete the survey and let your voice be heard.
» uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com |
Members in the News |
Angelika Amon receives 2019 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences |
Congratulations to GSA member and former GSA Board member Angelika Amon (MIT) for receiving a 2019 Breakthrough Prize. Amon is recognized for her work determining the consequences of aneuploidy.
» news.mit.edu |
Joanne Chory and Elliot Meyerowitz receive Gruber Prize |
Congratulations to GSA members Joanne Chory (Salk Institute) and Elliot Meyerowitz (Caltech), who were presented with the 2018 Gruber Genetics Prize at the XXII International Congress of Genetics in Brazil. Chory and Meyerowitz are recognized for their groundbreaking work in identifying the basic regulatory and biochemical mechanisms underlying the development of plants.
» gruber.yale.edu |
Joan Steitz receives Lasker~Koshland Award |
Congratulations to GSA member Joan Argetsinger Steitz (Yale University) for receiving the 2018 Lasker~Koshland Award for Special Achievement in Medical Science. She is recognized for leadership in biomedical science—exemplified by pioneering discoveries in RNA biology, generous mentorship of budding scientists, and vigorous and passionate support of women in science.
» laskerfoundation.org |
Early Career Scientist Leadership and Professional Development Program Application
» Learn More |
Gruber Genetics Prize Nominations
» Learn More |
Larry Sandler Award Applications
» Learn More |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Professor and Chair
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Outreach Manager, Simons VIP
Simons Foundation
Scientist positions (CA, MA, TX, and VA)
Quest Diagnostics
Postdoctoral Position in Human Genomics
Children's hospital of Philadelphia
Scientist III/IV - Molecular Biologist - Cardio-Metabolic
Boehringer Ingelheim
VP, Business Development
Genetics Instructor and Coordinator, Renewable Term Appointment
James Madison University
Population Geneticist
Research Assistant 3
Case Western Reserve University
Sr./Jr. Bioinformatics Engineer
Human Longevity Inc
Postdoc: computational and statistical genetics, epilepsy
INSERM U1141 Neurodiderot PROTECT
Business Analyst, Centre for Genomics Research
Scientific Project Manager
Genomics plc |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
We welcome submissions to both the GSA e-News (sent to all GSA members) and the Early Career Scientist Weekly (sent to student and postdoc GSA members). Items for the ECS Weekly include resources, awards, fellowships, grants, courses, and other opportunities applicable to early career scientists. News about GSA members includes new positions, book or op-ed publication, awards received, achievements, obits and others. We also invite other announcements relevant to GSA members, such as award nominations, new grant programs, etc. |