Society News |
GSA President Jeannie Lee announces a new Strategic Plan |
GSA’s Strategic Plan was developed through community collaboration to: |
• Shape a 5–10 year future that includes scholarship, support for geneticists at all career stages, public engagement, and advocacy |
• Set GSA on a course for long-term fiscal sustainability |
This plan will be built upon eight Strategic Pillars that both capitalize on our existing strengths and align our efforts with aspirational goals. Thank you to everyone involved in developing this exciting strategy for GSA’s bright future!
» genestogenomes.org |
Don’t forget to renew your GSA membership |
Members receive exclusive benefits, including: |
• Discounted registration fees for attending GSA conferences |
• Reduced publication charges for GSA's two peer-edited research journals
GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics |
• Eligibility for professional development programs |
Check out the full list of member benefits and renew your membership today.
» genetics-gsa.org |
GSA Meetings |
Don’t miss out on #Fungal19 |
Don’t wait for the last minute to register for the 30th Fungal Genetics Conference! Registration numbers at this popular conference are strictly limited by the venue.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Join the GENETICS Peer Review Training Program Workshop at #Fungal19 |
This workshop at the 2019 Fungal Genetics Conference will provide an introduction to peer reviewing for early career researchers, including graduate students. It will cover best practices, a mock review, and a discussion panel with GENETICS editors.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Sign up for the Grants and Funding event at #Dros19 |
This event at the 60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference aims to provide attendees important information on grantsmanship and funding. During the program, attendees will hear talks and discussions from experienced investigators and program officers. Check out more of the exciting professional development events happening at #Dros19!
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Late abstract submissions for #Dros19 are open |
There’s still time to submit your late abstracts for the 60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference! Don’t miss your chance — the deadline for submissions is February 1.
» genetics-gsa.org |
Journals |
GENETICS Peer Review Training Program applications open |
Attention early career scientists: The GENETICS Peer Review Training Program is currently accepting applications. Apply by February 14 for a chance to participate.
» genetics-gsa.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Amanda Young on the excitement of a career in product development |
In the latest “Decoding Life” interview, a scientist and manager at Illumina discussers her work developing applications for next-generation sequencing. She talks about how careers in product development broadly impact the scientific community and how you can tailor your skills to land a job.
» genestogenomes.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
New Faculty Profile: Karen Mruk |
Karen Mruk, an assistant professor at the University of Wyoming’s School of Pharmacy, uses zebrafish to study the role bioelectricity plays in locomotor function.
» genestogenomes.org |
Why fruit flies belong in primary and secondary schools |
Guest authors Sanjai Patel and Andreas Prokop explain why school biology lessons are important places to advocate for fundamental biomedical research, and they present strategies developed by the Manchester Fly Facility to bring Drosophila research into primary and secondary classrooms.
» genestogenomes.org |
FASEB is now accepting nominations for its 2020 Excellence in Science Award |
The award is given in recognition of outstanding achievement by women in biological science. Submit your nominations by March 1, 2019.
» faseb.org |
Policy |
U.S. government shutdown starts to take a bite out of science |
Scientists from several disciplines discuss how the U.S. government shutdown has impacted their work.
» sciencemag.org |
2019 AIBS Congressional Visits Day |
The American Institute of Biological Sciences, a GSA partner organization, invites scientists and graduate students to join their annual Congressional Visits Day in Washington, DC, from March 25–27. Participants will meet with members of Congress to help them understand the important role the federal government plays in supporting the biological sciences.
» aibs.org |
Community Announcements |
Scientists-to-Scientists Portal for those affected by the government shutdown |
The Ecological Society of America has created a portal where scientists can offer support to colleagues affected by the US government shutdown, whether it’s a temporary host for a graduate student, collecting samples, checking on field sites, or hosting meet-ups to break the isolation of those affected.
» nsf.gov |
NIH OSP is now recruiting for a director of its Science Policy, Coordination, Collaboration, and Reporting Division |
The NIH Office of Science Policy is announcing a vacancy for the Director of its Science Policy, Coordination, Collaboration, and Reporting Division. This vacancy represents an exceptional opportunity to: |
Establish a policy portfolio that cuts across the biomedical research enterprise, including issues such as rigor and reproducibility, public-private partnerships, and other emerging priorities |
Lead projects to develop the evidence base for proactive policies shaping the conduct of biomedical research (i.e., clinical research, data sharing, etc.) |
Manage high profile collaborations on behalf of the NIH Director, such as relationships with the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Foundation for the NIH, AAAS, the National Academies, and more |
Facilitate key partnerships within NIH to ensure seamless coordination on policy issues |
Build and manage a high-performing team of science policy professionals and analysts |
To apply, use the following links: |
Delegated Examining: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/518153200 |
Merit Promotion: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/518152900 |
Housing reservations for #Fungal19
» Learn More |
Late Abstract Submissions for #Dros19
» Learn More |
GENETICS Peer Review Training Program Applications
» Learn More |
Hotel Reservation deadline for #Dros19
» Learn More |
Abstract Submissions for #Worm19
» Learn More |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Postdoc: chromatin-based regulation
Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Organismal Biologist
Northeastern Illinois University
Genetic Counselor
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Postdoc: Microbiology of Soil and Plant Associated Microorganisms
Marine Biological Laboratory
Postdoc: Fungal Genomics and Systems Biology
Laval University
Postdoc: Genomics and Neuroscience
NYU School of Medicine
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
Centre College
Postdoc: Drosophila muscle development
San Diego State University
Research Fellow: Development of Computational Tools to study Cancer Genomics
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Lab Manager: Dartmouth
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
We welcome submissions to both the GSA e-News (sent to all GSA members) and the Early Career Scientist Weekly (sent to student and postdoc GSA members). Items for the ECS Weekly include resources, awards, fellowships, grants, courses, and other opportunities applicable to early career scientists. News about GSA members includes new positions, book or op-ed publication, awards received, achievements, obits and others. We also invite other announcements relevant to GSA members, such as award nominations, new grant programs, etc. |