Society News |
Apply now for the 2019 DeLill Nasser Awards |
Given twice a year to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, DeLill Nasser Awards support attendance at meetings and laboratory courses. The second award cycle of 2019, which offers funding for events occurring from July 1 to December 31, is now open. Submit your application before the April 2 deadline to be considered.
» genetics-gsa.org |
GSA Meetings |
Submit abstracts now for #Worm19 |
Abstract submission is now open for the 22nd International C. elegans Conference. Join us in Los Angeles, CA, to learn and share cutting-edge C. elegans research—just make sure you submit your abstract by the deadline on March 28. Also, be sure to keep an eye on the conference website for registration information to be announced in March.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Presenting at #Dros19? Invite poster viewers! |
If you are an undergrad, grad student, or postdoc, you may invite up to three scientists to attend your #Dros19 poster. For ideas, take a look at the registrant list or consider other scientists who are located in the Dallas area. If you are a GSA member, this is a complimentary benefit!
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
View the Schedule of Events and Author Assignments for #Fungal19 |
Attending #Fungal19? Check out the schedule of events to plan your time at the conference, and find out your author assignment for oral or poster presentations.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Attend the GENETICS Peer Review Training workshop at Asilomar |
This workshop will provide an introduction to peer reviewing, including information on best practices and a mock review. Becoming a better reviewer will help you to become a better author and to hone some of the skills central to scientific success. The workshop will be held March 12, before the Fungal Genetics Conference in Pacific Grove, CA.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Connect with colleagues at the #Dros19 New Faculty Forum |
At this one-day workshop designed for new faculty and advanced postdocs, you can discuss common challenges, hear strategies for managing a laboratory, and more. Don’t miss a chance to collaborate, commiserate, and celebrate with a strong network of peers long after the fly meeting ends.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Join the Community & Connections Lunch at #Dros19 |
Reconnect with the fly community, meet new colleagues, and learn from stimulating discussions at this event, which will feature moderated discussion tables on scientific, professional development, and other topics. All career stages are welcome—we want you to join the conversation! Lunch is included at this event. Space is limited, so don’t wait to add the Community & Connections Lunch to your registration.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Learn more about publishing your articles at #Fungal19 |
If you’re a student or postdoc attending #Fungal19, you won’t want to miss the Publishing Q&A. You will have the opportunity to discuss the ins-and-outs of getting your articles published with journal editors. First come, first served box lunches will be available for attendees in the Social Hall. Interested? Attendance is limited, so add the Publishing Q&A to your registration soon.
» conferences.genetics-gsa.org |
Journals |
Are you getting the most out of the papers at GENETICS and G3? |
Join the conversation and activate your Remarq account via the "Q" on the bottom right of any GENETICS or G3 article. Remarq is an innovative tool designed to further engage authors, editors, and readers in research published in the journals. With this collaboration platform, editors and authors can update published papers, and readers can make private notes and public comments on articles.
» genetics.org |
Students and Postdocs |
Dorit Zuk on her unconventional career journey |
In the latest “Decoding Life”, a division director at NIH discusses transitioning between different positions throughout her career and offers advice for managing a team.
» genestogenomes.org |
Faculty, Educators, & Mentors |
Apply for the 2019 CourseSource Writing Studio Workshop |
This is a great opportunity for faculty, graduate students, and postdocs who are interested in preparing a manuscript for publication in CourseSource, a journal that publishes tested, evidence-based undergraduate biology activities.
» coursesource.org |
Nominations for the FASEB Excellence in Science Award are due March 1 |
Do you know a woman who has shown outstanding achievement in biological science? Consider submitting a nomination for the FASEB Excellence in Science Award. GSA members are eligible to be nominated for this award from our partner organization FASEB.
» faseb.org |
Policy |
White House science adviser stresses the importance of the private sector |
In the first major speech since the new Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy was sworn in, Kelvin Droegemeier emphasized the growing importance of private companies in basic research and downplayed the importance of the government’s investment in science. You can watch the speech here.
» washingtonpost.com |
2019 AIBS Congressional Visits Day |
Interested in advocating for science on Capitol Hill? Join the American Institute of Biological Sciences on March 26–27 for the annual Congressional Visits Day in Washington, DC. Participants can complete a communications and advocacy training program provided by AIBS that prepares them to be effective advocates for their science. AIBS also provides participants with background information and arranges meetings between participants and lawmakers.
» aibs.org |
Community Announcements |
Register for the Translating Genetics into Medicine symposium at the New York Academy of Sciences |
This symposium, taking place April 25 in New York, will highlight emerging strategies to experimentally and computationally identify and validate causal association from patient cohorts, and outline the challenges and opportunities in translating GWAS hits into successful drug discovery programs.
» nyas.org |
Attend a National Academies Symposium on addressing the underrepresentation of Women in STEMM |
This symposium will seek to understand institutional barriers to improving women’s representation in STEMM. It will also examine policies, practices, and strategies that have been effective in opening doors to women’s participation and success in science, engineering, and medical fields. The event will take place March 11 in Washington, DC.
» eventbrite.com |
Members in the News |
Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 Sloan Research Fellowships |
GSA members Nancy Chen, Andres Bendesky, and Saul Kato each received $70,000 grants to support their research.
» sloan.org |
John C. Lucchesi publishes Epigenetics, Nuclear Organization and Gene Function |
GSA member and former GSA President John C. Lucchesi has published a book titled Epigenetics, Nuclear Organization, and Gene Function. Its primary goal is to “establish a framework that can be used to understand the basis of epigenetic regulation and to appreciate both its derivation from genetics and interdependence with genetic mechanisms.”
» global.oup.com |
Hotel Reservation deadline for #Dros19
» Learn More |
#Dros19 Peer Review Workshop Registration Deadline
» Learn More |
Abstract Submissions for #Worm19
» Learn More |
DeLill Nasser Award Applications
» Learn More |
GeneticsCareers.org |
GeneticsCareers.org is free to use for both jobseekers and employers. A simple registration process provides access to a broad range of job listings in academia, government, and industry, as well as postdoctoral opportunities and more. |
Postdoc Fellow - Epidemiology
Bioinformatics and Data Visualization Specialist
Computercraft Corporation
Postdoc: Genetic Epidemiology, Statistical Genetics, Bioinformatics
University of Florida
Visiting Assistant Professor in Biology
Dickinson College
Postdoc: microbial biofilms and C. elegans inflammation and aging
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Research Assistant Professor
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc
Molecular Geneticist
Medical Science & Computing
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Molecular Biology or Microbiology
Brigham Young University
Sr. Research Associate I, Genomics
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc
Scientist II, Statistical Genetics
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc |
Stay up to date by following us on social media: |
We welcome submissions to both the GSA e-News (sent to all GSA members) and the Early Career Scientist Weekly (sent to student and postdoc GSA members). Items for the ECS Weekly include resources, awards, fellowships, grants, courses, and other opportunities applicable to early career scientists. News about GSA members includes new positions, book or op-ed publication, awards received, achievements, obits and others. We also invite other announcements relevant to GSA members, such as award nominations, new grant programs, etc. |