Honor your colleagues who have distinguished themselves among the community of geneticists by nominating them for any of the five annual GSA Awards:
To help provide a diverse pool of nominees that represents the excellence in our discipline, GSA encourages the nomination of women and deserving individuals from groups traditionally underrepresented in science. Thank you for helping us increase the number of nominees for the 2014 awards, and please pass this information on!
Congratulations to the winners of our social media competition at the 2013 C. elegans meeting! Each winner received a complimentary GSA Membership; @Caenorelegans for Tweeting about #WORM2013 and Stacy Alvares (Univ of Washington) for liking the GSA Facebook page during the meeting.
The GSA Journals
Read “HeLa Cell Sequela,” G3's editorial on its online publication of the genomic and transciptomic landscape of a HeLa cell line (Landry et al. 2013). Share your thoughts on these complex issues by sending us an email.
In the July edition of GENETICS, read about dosage compensation and dauer arrest in C. elegans, guppy pigment pattern formation, analysis of selective sweeps in HIV infection, and much more, including a series of articles examining the genomic prediction of traits.
G3's latest articles
include findings on genetic variants that confer resistance to malaria and the association with red blood cell traits; sequence-based mapping of the polyploid wheat genome; mutations affecting fitness in the social amoeba; a report on the evolution of the Anopheles 16 Genome Project; and more!
Awards, Fellowships, and Competitions
Applications from C. elegans researchers are now being accepted for the Faucett Catalyst Grant. As announced at the 2013 International C. elegans Meeting, the Faucett Catalyst Fund has offered to fund two exploratory grants to C. elegans researchers to apply their talents and ideas toward the study and control of disease-causing parasitic nematodes. Each grant will be for $15,000 for one year and any Principal Investigator with proven (i.e., published) experience with C. elegans (and who has not previously worked with parasitic nematodes) can apply. For more details, see the full description of the grant; applications are due by August 15, 2013.
FASEB has extended the deadline for its second annual BioArt competition through July 19. BioArt is intended to give the public a glimpse into the fascinating world of scientific research through visually compelling images and videos that investigators produce as part of their federally funded research. When viewed in conjunction with a nontechnical caption, submissions should be both visually compelling and clearly communicate a cutting edge bioscience concept. Ten images and two videos will be selected as winners. Last year’s winning images were displayed at NIH and on Capitol Hill.
The Royal Society is accepting applications for its Royal Society Research Professorships, which provide long-term support for internationally recognized scientists to conduct research in the United Kingdom. The program provides salary costs, a start-up grant, and research expenses for up to ten years. Applicants can be of any nationality, but professorships must be held at a UK university or research institute. The closing date for applications is March 13, 2014.
University research leaders at “All Things Research 2013” say sequestration is “like a slowly growing cancer,” with effects that are only getting worse over time. The annual gathering, sponsored by the Science Coalition and the Association of American Universities, focused on the ripple effect of sequestration, with members noting that top researchers are “fleeing to more accommodating pastures” and that the whole situation is like “the stimulus in reverse.” To take action and speak up for research, please visit the FASEB Policy and Government Affairs action center.
In much better news, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee with jurisdiction over the NIH budget has approved a fiscal year 2014 bill that would fund NIH at $30.995 billion, an increase of more than $1.6 billion above the current FY 2013 sequestration funding level. This is probably in part due to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) campaign to replace cuts to NIH which have had a negative impact on basic research. He had been meeting with fellow Senators and with NIH officials. Help support a larger budget for NIH by writing to your House Representatives and urging their Appropriations Committee to approve $32 billion for NIH.
The National Science Board (NSB) is seeking nominations for candidates to serve on the Board from 2014 through 2020. NSB serves as the policymaking body for the National Science Foundation and advises the President and Congress on science and engineering issues. Nominations are open through July 29, 2013.
Other Meetings of Interest
Save the date! The 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG12) will take place in Seville, Spain, from March 23-27, 2014. The scope of the conference covers the broad topics of fungal genetics, encompassing molecular and cell biology, genomics and evolution, biotechnology, pathogenesis, and many other areas. Registration and abstract submission will open in October 2013.
And finally…
Some recent highlights from the GSA social networking platforms. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn:
- Is the NIH’s Pathway to Independence grants program working? BioTechniques thinks so.
- New genetic evidence suggests that certain breeds of dogs in the Americas may predate the arrival of Europeans, suggesting they arrived from an earlier migration.
- Relive the highlights from the 2013 C. elegans meeting, and see who won Poster Awards!
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
E-news items include news about GSA members – new positions, book
publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy
items; brief research news items and grant programs; and, award
nomination announcements.
Deadline for next
issue: July 26, 2013. Send items to Beth Ruedi,
eruedi@genetics-gsa.org. |