Adam Fagen, PhD, becomes the new Executive Director of GSA on December 1, 2011. With a background in science, policy, education, training, outreach and government relations, he brings experience and expertise that will help GSA further support the needs of our members. Please join us in welcoming Adam to GSA!
The website for the 10th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics has gone live! Check out information about important dates, registration, housing, and the preliminary program for the meeting, which takes place June 20 -24, 2012, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Going to the 2011 American Society of Cell Biology meeting in Denver from December 3 – 7? Stop by the GSA booth (#325) in the exhibit hall! Meet Beth Ruedi, GSA’s Director of Education and Professional Development, and Tracey DePellegrin Connelly, Executive Editor of the GSA journals GENETICS and
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics.
Check out GSA’s YeastBook Series, launched in the November issue of GENETICS. Over the next two years, YeastBook will publish 50 articles covering practically all aspects of modern yeast research and its applications to human health and well-being. Read the Perspectives by David Botstein and Gerry Fink.
Submit your genetics and genomics manuscripts to the peer-edited journals of the GSA!
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics publishes high-quality foundational research and manuscripts describing useful results in all areas of genetics and genomics, and is not bound by the subjective editorial criteria of importance, novelty, or broad appeal. GENETICS
seeks to publish significant advances in the field that are of interest to a wide range of genetics and genomics investigators. Both journals offer quick turn-around times (submission to first decision: GENETICS, 36 days; G3, 33 days). Check out the latest issues!
Opportunities for Undergrads, Grads & Postdocs
Undergraduates planning on attending the Annual GSA Drosophila Research Conference in
Chicago, IL, March 7-11, 2012 are invited to apply for the Victoria Finnerty Award for Undergraduate Travel. The application plus two reference letters are required.
Deadline for application: Monday, November 28, 2011.
Attention Thesis Advisors: Doctoral students who have completed or will complete a PhD in Drosophila research between July 2010 and December 2011 are
eligible to be nominated for the prestigious Larry Sandler Memorial Award to be given at the
2012 Annual GSA Drosophila Research Conferencein Chicago, IL, March 7-11, 2012. The winner receives complimentary airfare, accommodations and conference registration.
Nomination deadline: December 19, 2011.
Attention trainees: GSA is participating in the 2012 American Physiological Society Professional Skills Live Course, "Writing and Reviewing for Scientific Journals," in
Orlando, Florida, from January 13-15, 2012 and you are invited to apply! The course will have its own GSA instructional group, led by GSA Member and GENETICS Senior Editor Lauren McIntyre (Univ Florida).
The course fee is $800 (airfare not included). Eligible students may apply for the FASEB MARC Travel Award for Underrepresented Minorities, which provides $1200 for registration, airfare, and incidentals.
Apply today! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to work with a senior editor on improving your writing and reviewing skills! Application deadline: November 28, 2011.
FASEB is pairing with NIGMS to organize the 2012 Workshop for Postdocs Transitioning to Independent Positions on
March 12-13, 2012 at NIH (Bethesda, MD). The workshop provides actionable information in support of the transition to professional independence. Organizers encourage postdoctoral trainees from GSA to apply, particularly those from underrepresented minority groups. Up to $1250 in travel support is available to eligible attendees.
Deadline for registration: November 30, 2011. Register today!
Submissions Requested
Submit articles for the mid-December issue of the Worm Breeder’s Gazette. Check the
author instructions and tutorial before submission. Contact
Jane Mendel with cover art submissions. Deadline for submission: Monday, December 5, 2011.
The National Science Foundation is expected to receive a 2.5% increase in funds in 2012 over its Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 funding level. That surprising news came out of a congressional committee
conference report last week. The Agriculture and Food Research Program (AFRI) at the US Department of Agriculture is being
flat-funded for 2012, receiving the same amount it did in 2011, while the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy will take a $4.5 million cut or $1.5 million below the FY2011 funding level.
Other Meetings of Interest
VIZBI 2012, the 3rd international meeting on Visualizing Biological Data will be held at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg (Germany),
March 6-8, 2012. VIZBI 2012 brings together scientists actively using or developing computational visualization to study a diverse range of biological data. The conference also attracts participation from medical illustrators, graphic designers, and graphic artists.
Registration is now open.
Register now for the fifth Gordon Research Conference on Genes and Behavior
in Galveston, TX, March 18-23, 2012. “One of the key questions posed at this Gordon Conference is how sequenced genomes have altered our thinking about genes and behavior.” Several GSA members will be presenters –
Chris Li (CCNY), Therese Markow (UCSD), Danny Reinberg (NYU) – and others will be discussion leaders, including Yehuda Ben-Shahar (Washington Univ of St. Louis),
Jill Bettinger (VCU), and GSA Secretary Mariana Wolfner (Cornell). Application deadline: February 19, 2012.
The Bean Beetle Curriculum Development Workshop at
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, July 25-27, 2012 is accepting applications for participation. Supported by the National Science Foundation, the workshop “builds on the successful development of the bean beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus)
as a model system for inquiry-based laboratory courses in ecology, evolution, and animal behavior.” Faculty from minority-serving institutions and 2-year colleges are strongly encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to faculty who apply with a partner from their institution or a neighboring institution.
Application decisions begin on December 1, 2011 and will continue until the workshop is full. For more information see the link above and the
Bean Beetle Curriculum Development Network.

November Issue

November Issue