2013 Board Members
The GSA extends its congratulations to the six new members elected by the membership to the 2013 GSA Board of Directors. The new Board members are:
- Vicki L. Chandler, PhD (Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation). Dr. Chandler will serve as vice president in 2013 and GSA president in 2014.
- Anne M. Villeneuve, PhD (Stanford Univ Sch of Med). Dr. Villeneuve will serve as secretary beginning in 2013.
- Lynn Cooley, PhD (Yale Univ), director
- Anna Di Rienzo, PhD (Univ of Chicago), director
- Sarah C. R. Elgin, PhD (Washington Univ in St. Louis), director
- Deborah A. Siegele, PhD (Texas A&M Univ), director
In addition to the elected Board members, for the first time in GSA history, a graduate student and a postdoctoral researcher were selected as advisory representatives to the GSA Board of Directors. These two advisory members, who will be participating in GSA’s 2013 Board meetings, are:
- Kathleen Dumas (Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor), graduate student
- Krista Dobi, PhD (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr), postdoctoral researcher
Additional information about the newly elected
Board members and advisory
student/postdoc reps are available in the press releases about the new appointments. Please welcome these new members to the GSA Board and feel free to contact them with suggestions regarding GSA activities.
GSA Meetings
The deadline
abstract submission for the
27th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 12-17, 2013 in
Pacific Grove, CA is Wednesday, December 12, 2012. The
early registration and housing deadline
is also December 12.
Sign up now as space is limited. Don’t miss any of the exciting and interesting
program planned by
meeting organizers Katherine Borkovich (UC-Riverside)
and Francis Martin (INRA, Nancy, France) including the
Perkins/Metzenberg Lecture presented by
Regine Kahmann (Max Planck Inst for Terrestrial Microbiology).
Nominations are still open
for the
Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture, which will be presented on
April 3, 2013, the opening night of the
54th Annual Drosophila Research Conference.
Any student completing a PhD in an area of Drosophila research between July 2011 and December 2012 is eligible for this honor and may be
nominated by his/her thesis advisor. For more information,
visit the website. Deadline for nominations: December 21, 2012.
Drosophila researchers are also encouraged to participate in the annual
Drosophila Image Award competition.
Images must be submitted by February 4, 2013. Awards will be presented at the 54th Annual Drosophila Research Conference in April.
For more information,
visit the website.
Graduate student Risa Burr (Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med)
talked about her
recent experience participating in GSA’s 2012
Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology Meeting for her Graduate Student Association. “One of the best things about this particular conference is that they are very focused on making it a
productive event for the numerous graduate students and post-docs in attendance.” Glad you enjoyed the meeting, Risa!
The GSA Journals
Want to learn what peer-editing means at the journal
Editor-in-Chief Mark Johnston’s editorial published in the
November issue.
Also from the November
GENETICS issue, read “Ancient admixture in human history.” Patterson et al. present a suite of methods for learning about the history of genetic population mixtures. Application of the methods yielded the striking finding of a clear signal of admixture into northern Europe that likely reflects a history of admixture between Neolithic migrants and the indigenous Mesolithic population of Europe. This is consistent with recent analyses of ancient bones from Sweden and the genome sequence of the Tyrolean “Iceman.”
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics invite immediate submissions
for a special focus on “The Complex Genetics of Immunity,” which will be published as an
article block in 2013. For more information,
visit the website.
Other Meetings
The second Asia-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference (APDRC)
invites Drosophila community members to this May 13-16, 2013
meeting at Seoul National University’s Cultural Center
in South Korea. The meeting offers Drosophila experts from around the world the chance to share ideas and interact. The
abstract submission site is now open. For information on registration, program and important dates, visit the
Conference website.
The XXVIII Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry is holding its CYTO 2013 Conference, May 19-22 in
San Diego, CA. For information about abstract submission, registration, and deadlines, visit the
CYTO Conference website.
Since November 1, 2012, more than 10,000 e-mails have been sent to Capitol Hill in response to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology’s (FASEB) e-action alert.
Please continue to
contact your Congressional
representatives and tell them how you feel about the draconian budget cuts facing federal agencies
such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). As Congress and President Obama work on a plan to address the budget deficit,
the research community must continue to raise its voice. See FASEB’s new
NIH congressional district and
state factsheets, as well as FASEB’s
NSF factsheets for information you may want to include in your e-mail message.
Urge your colleagues, friends and family—whether or not they are GSA members—to go to the
Action Alert website to contact their Senators and Representatives.
If you’re still confused about the so-called
“fiscal cliff” and its implications for scientific research, our partners at the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) have prepared
brief video
to help explain. GSA is an organizational member of AIBS.
Funding News
The National Institutes of Health has
announced that the agency will
hold processing of non-competing continuation awards if related publications are not in compliance with NIH’s
public access policy. One easy way to comply is to publish in the GSA journals,
GENETICS and G3, which automatically deposit your articles in PubMed and PubMed Central.
In Memoriam
Gerold Schubiger
The GSA offers its condolences to the family and friends of Gerold Schubiger, a professor of biology at the University of Washington and a long-time member of GSA, who
passed away on November 10, 2012. Gerold studied developmental processes in Drosophila, establishing the fate map for the Drosophila prothoracic leg as a graduate student, and remained an active researcher, including two papers this year reporting the fate maps for the meso- and metathoracic
leg discs. Gerold was a passionate and rigorous scientist, who was proud of those students he mentored. Upon his passing, Gerold’s family announced that he requested that
those wishing to honor him with a remembrance do so by supporting GSA’s
DeLill Nasser Fund for Professional Development in Genetics, because of his long friendship with DeLill and similar commitment to training young scientists.
Donations in memory of Gerold Schubiger may be made
online or by check to GSA with Gerold Schubiger and DeLill Nasser acknowledged in the memo line.

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