This is a
pre-holiday edition
of the
GSA e-News.
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2012 by
renewing your GSA membership to continue to receive important news in your field. As a
holiday gift to your genetics colleagues, please
pass on this e-News so they can
join GSA and
get all the benefits of membership.
Happy Holidays!
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Web Portal where you can:
your address and contact
information; manage
your GSA
e-mail subscriptions;
join/renew your membership and
for upcoming
GSA-sponsored meetings.
Tired of getting the runaround with your manuscript submissions? Then submit your next paper to
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics or
GENETICS. Both G3 and GENETICS offer fast turnaround times -- in just under a month, you’ll have a decision and reviews that will help your article to get noticed. And because our decisions are made by your peers, you can trust that your paper -- not just the abstract -- was carefully considered. Because your research is important to you, it’s important to us.
For Graduate Students and Postdocs
Drosophila research thesis advisors: there’s still time to nominate your doctoral students for the prestigious
Larry Sandler Memorial Awardto be given at the
2012 Annual GSA Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago, IL, March 7-11, 2012. Doctoral students who have completed or will complete a PhD in Drosophila research between July 2010 and December 2011 are eligible to be nominated for the Sandler Award. The winner receives complimentary airfare, accommodations and conference registration.
Nomination deadline: December 19, 2011.
Attention Postdocs!
deadline for registration
for the
Workshop for Postdocs Transitioning to Independent Positions
been extended until January 6, 2012. This
NIGMS/FASEB workshop in
Bethesda, MD from March 12-13, 2012
is for
young investigators
and will cover a
broad range of topics to make a successful transition to independence, including: making the right career choice, finding the right institutional fit, applying for a position, succeeding in the job interview and seminar, negotiating a startup package, establishing a lab, finding a mentor, networking and forming collaborations, applying for and getting a grant, undergoing the tenure process, teaching, and balancing research with many other commitments. Dr. Francis Collins, NIH Director, will provide the keynote address. Registration is only $25; travel awards are available to help support your participation.
As part of ongoing efforts to increase diversity in evolutionary science, the
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) is sponsoring a range of targeted activities in the general area of
“K-12 Evolution Education for Underrepresented Minorities." They seek to support one or more Catalysis Meetings, Working Groups or other synergistic activities that lead to the creation of new programs, activities or initiatives designed to increase exposure and participation in evolutionary science by K-12 minority students who are historically underrepresented in the discipline. Deadline: January 1, 2012.
Policy: News from NIH
If you missed the NIH
Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) regulations webinar on November 30, 2011, put on by Sally Rockey, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, and colleagues, view it online above. The webinar was designed for NIH grantee institution’s investigators and administrators and focuses on the changes from the original 1995 regulations that go into effect over the next year.
Sally Rockey also posted a summary of the public comments regarding revisions to OMB Circular A-21,
Reducing Administrative Burdens and Costs.
Other Meetings of Interest
There are three upcoming Keystone Symposia that may be of interest to GSA members and whose early registration deadlines are approaching:
January 4, 2012:
Complex Traits: Genomics and Computational Approaches
February 20-25, 2012 • Beaver Run Resort • Breckenridge, Colorado, USA.
January 6, 2012:
Nuclear Events in Plant Gene Expression and Signaling
March 6-11, 2012 • Sagebrush Inn and Conference Center • Taos, New Mexico, USA
Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: December 9, 2011.
- January 11, 2012:
The Life of a Stem Cell: From Birth to Death
March 11-16, 2012 • Resort at Squaw Creek • Olympic Valley, California, USA
Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: December 13, 2011.

November Issue

November Issue
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
E-news items include news about GSA members -- new position, book publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; and, award nomination announcements. Deadline for next issue: December
14, 2012. Send items to Phyllis Edelman,