Looking for a job? Have a job opening?
Check out GSA’s new online Career Center, which is ready to help jobseekers, employers and recruiters find the right match. Jobseekers can anonymously post resumes and get position available alerts. Employers and recruiters can post jobs, view candidates interested in their positions and view all posted resumes. For more information, visit the Career Center.
News about Members
The GSA applauds member Lucy Shapiro (Stanford Univ) on receiving the American Society for Microbiology's 2010 Abbott-ASM Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition for her work on understanding the life of the cell. The award recognizes “sustained contributions to the microbiological sciences” and will be presented during the 110th General Meeting of the ASM in May in San Diego.
Congratulations to David Bilder (UC-Berkeley), a member of the GSA Drosophila community and 2010 recipient of the American Association of Anatomists Harland Winfield Mossman Award in Developmental Biology. The award “recognizes young investigators who have made important contributions to the field of developmental biology and have demonstrated remarkable promise of future accomplishments.”
The Royal Society is celebrating its 350th anniversary and several GSA members are celebrating with writings in a special, commemorative issue of Philosophical Transactions B, “Personal perspectives in the life sciences for the Royal Society’s 350th anniversary.”
This issue includes articles by GSA members Sydney Brenner, William G. Hill (Univ of Edinburgh), and Linda Partridge (Univ College London). Open access is available for all articles. For more information about celebratory initiatives, click here.
Award Opportunities
Recognizing “outstanding achievement by women in biological science,” the FASEB Excellence in Science Award, sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company, is accepting nominations until March 1, 2010 at its website. Nominators and their candidates must be members of GSA or another FASEB-member society. Self-nominations are not accepted.
The Franklin Institute invites nominations for the 2011 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science. The theme for the 2011 award is genomics and the prize is a gold medal and $250,000 USD. “Individuals who have made significant scientific contributions to our understanding of the structure and function of genomes” may be nominated. Visit the website above for more information or to nominate an individual.
Upcoming Important Dates: January 30, 2010
Drosophila: Deadline for Image Award Submission and Late Abstract Submission
February 17, 2010
MOHB: Abstract Submission Opens
February 24, 2010
MOHB: Registration Opens
March 1, 2010
Deadline: The GSA Excellence in Research Journalism Award
Have You Renewed Your Membership for 2010?
If not, renew today!

January Issue
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
E-news items include news about GSA members -- new position, book publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; and, award nomination announcements. Deadline for next issue: February 3, 2010.
Send items to Phyllis Edelman, pedelman@genetics-gsa.org or society@genetics-gsa.org.