G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, the GSA’s new open-access journal launched in June, is accepting manuscript submissions. G3 publishes high-quality foundational research and experimental resources in genetics and genomics. G3 provides full access to research data as well as article-level links to genes and other objects in model organism databases. Rapid peer review and fast time-to-publication ensure that manuscripts are handled quickly and fairly. Be sure to check out the latest issue!
Check out the new design of GENETICS articles in the July issue! Download a PDF and see the new, cleaner look of the articles. “Our process was collaborative,” says Tracey DePellegrin, Executive Editor for GENETICS and G3. “The Editorial Board played a big part in the process. We wanted GENETICS’ pages to reflect a modern sensibility, still wrapped in the tenor of scholarship. Of course the content is the star, but the aesthetics should make a journal article easier to read and to digest.” Now an online journal, GENETICS article PDFs provide readers with a cover-to-cover version of what was once in print, but with added features like article-level links to model organism databases. See the new designs by viewing any article PDF, Table of Contents (TOC), or other PDFs.
Save the dates for GSA’s 2012 conferences! The 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference will take place in Chicago, Illinois, from March 7-11, 2012. Genetics 2012: Model Organisms to Human Biology- Cancer will be in Washington, DC, from June 17-20, 2012. The Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting will take place in Princeton, New Jersey, from July 31-August 5, 2012. Mark your calendars now and don’t miss out on these exciting genetics meetings!
Deadline approaching: August 1, 2011 for applying for the position of Executive Director for the Genetics Society of America at our Bethesda, Maryland offices.
Members in the News
Last month’s launch of GSA’s new Journal, G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics wasn’t the only launch concerning Editor-in-Chief
Brenda J. Andrews (Univ of Toronto). The launch of NASA’s final shuttle mission, Atlantis, included two
experiments from her lab to be conducted at the International Space Station, where “researchers will study the effect of microgravity on cell growth, and how different mutant genes might affect susceptibility to a microgravity situation.” According to Andrews, “The results of these experiments may provide critical insight into which set of human genes are important and how these genes work together to help
humans deal with extreme environments associated with space travel.”
As federal funds for research tighten, it is more important than ever for your voice to be heard in Congress by joining the
Congressional Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Coalition for the Life Sciences
(CLS). Become an advocate for science and research by joining the CLC to keep informed of impending legislation and to teach you how to educate your Representatives, their staff and the general public on policy and funding issues affecting basic biological science research. Join now – membership is free!
Late last month the Senate Military-Construction/Veterans Affairs (VA) Appropriations Subcommittee approved the fiscal year (FY) 2012 bill that funds the
VA Medical and Prosthetic Research Program. This is the first FY 2012 spending bill to be considered by Senate appropriators. Although the overall funding level for the bill was below both the FY 2011 enacted level and the President’s budget request,
the subcommittee provided $581 million for the Medical and Prosthetic Research Program, an increase of $72 million over the Obama request and equal to the FY 2011 funding level. For more information, see the
Subcommittee Press Release and Bill Summary.
The final call for Nominations for the 2012 Millennium Technology Prize is approaching. “The Millennium Technology Prize is awarded to a groundbreaking innovation that promotes people’s quality of life, contributes toward the realization of humane values and encourages sustainable development.” For more information, see the link above. Deadline for nominations: July 31, 2011.
Other Meetings
July 15 is the registration deadline for the Annual Conference of the German Genetics Society,
September 14-16, 2011 in Würzburg. German Genetics Society president Manfred Schartl (Univ Würzburg) notes: “I am convinced that the combination of a very stimulating scientific conference and an extraordinary host city will promote scientific research in Genetics and leave you with lasting memories.”

July Issue

July Issue
Do you have a brief announcement to submit to GSA e-News?
E-news items include news about GSA members -- new position, book publication, awards or grants received and obits; short policy items; brief research news items and grant programs; and, award nomination announcements. Deadline for next issue:
July 20, 2011. Send items to Phyllis Edelman, pedelman@genetics-gsa.org