Manuscripts are being accepted by GSA’s new journal,
G3: Genes | Genomes| Genetics, a peer-reviewed, peer-edited, fully open access journal to be published in June 2011. G3 will emphasize data quality and utility in foundational research, rapid publication, and links between the data and associated articles. For more information, see the G3 link above. To submit a manuscript, go to as of this evening.
GSA’s Executive Director Sherry A. Marts stepped down as of February 18, 2011. Phyllis Edelman, Manager of Public Relations and Communications, is serving as Interim Executive Director. "I am confident that Phyllis and the rest of our dedicated staff will forge ahead with our many important initiatives in publishing, meetings, education and membership. We have an excellent team in place and they are ready, willing and able to get the job done," says GSA President Paul Sternberg. The GSA Board of Directors will be searching for a new Executive Director. If you are interested in learning more about the position, please contact Paul Sternberg.
Don’t be left out at the 2011 Drosophila Research Conference in San Diego, CA, March 30 – April 3, 2011. . . the deadline for hotel reservations is Saturday, March 5th.
There’s still time to submit your abstract for Mouse Genetics 2011 in Washington, DC, June 22 – 25. Deadline for submissions: March 8, 2011.
Reminder: Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows can apply for a DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics to attend a meeting, conference or course taking place from July to December 2011. Up to 15 $1,000 travel awards will be distributed. Deadline for application: March 15, 2011.
The abstract submission site is open for the 18th International C. elegans Meeting, June 22-26, 2011 at UCLA. Deadline for submission: March 24, 2011.
Other Meetings of Interest
The 2011 GMOD (Generic Model Organism Database) Community Meeting is this weekend, March 5-6 at The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham, NC and there’s still time to register. This is part of GMOD Americas 2011 (this is the same link as the one for GMOD above, so I am not sure it is necessary), which also includes an introductory session the day before the meeting and Satellites following the meeting. Attendees will meet GSA’s Education Programs Manager, Beth Ruedi, who
will be speaking about GSA’s commitment to assisting cross-talk between “wet-lab” geneticists and bioinformaticians.
The Society of Toxicology’s Annual Meeting is being held March 6-10 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Centre, Washington, DC. The event will focus on 6 key themes, including Emerging Global Public Health Issues, Environment and Disease, and Global Air Quality and Human Health.
Last week, NIH released a revised plan on the realignment of
NCRR programs and convened a teleconference of the Scientific Management Review Board (SMRB), an advisory panel that
considers NIH structural and organizational issues. The revised recommendations called for the NCRR Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM), which houses the model organism resources and
stock center programs, to be transferred to the Office of the Director. There, DCM will be a part of a permanent infrastructure entity in the Division of Program Coordination,
Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI). Among other proposed changes, the Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) program would be transferred to NIGMS. During the SMRB
teleconference, GSA Member Judith Van Houten spoke as the representative of the Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) program principal investigators group and told
the SMRB that the IDeA community is pleased to be in NIGMS.

February Issue