Cystic Fibrosis: Exploration of Evolutionary Explanations for
the High Frequency of a Common Genetic Disorder
Daniel Taub
and Joshua Page
The authors present a guided classroom
exercise in which students derive and
evaluate hypotheses to explain the
relatively high incidence of cystic
fibrosis (and the alleles responsible)
in European and European-derived human
populations. Through this exercise
students develop their abilities to
apply evolutionary concepts, and
generate and evaluate evolutionary
hypotheses. Students also develop
understanding of human genetic variation
and the population genetics of genetic
Genetics Concept(s) Addressed:
Genetic variation: How do
different types of mutations affect
genes and the corresponding mRNAs and
Evolution and Population Genetics: What are the processes
that can affect the frequency of
genotypes and phenotypes in a population
over time?
Core Competencies Addressed:
Students should be able to implement observational strategies to formulate a question.
Students should be able to generate testable hypotheses.
Students should be able to gather and evaluate experimental evidence, including qualitative and quantitative data.
Introductory undergraduate;
biology/genetics majors
Activity Type:
Lecture/In-Class Exercise
Activity Length:
Two hours, to be divided as
appropriate for class schedule
Taub, Daniel and Page, Joshua
(2013). Cystic Fibrosis: Exploration of
Evolutionary Explanations for the High
Frequency of a Common Genetic Disorder. Genetics Society of America
Peer-Reviewed Education Portal (GSA
PREP): 2013.004;
doi: 10.1534/gsaprep.2013.004
Resource Justification and
Instructor Guide (PDF, Word)
Instructor's review on cystic fibrosis. This provides a
brief review of the molecular biology, population
genetics, and medical aspects of cystic fibrosis to
prepare the instructor prior to class. It also includes
a discussion of evolutionary hypotheses that have been
advanced to explain the high incidence of cystic
fibrosis in European human populations.
Instructor classroom flow and discussion prompt. This
provides advice to instructors and a sample script for
the use of these questions to stimulate classroom
discussion and consideration of relevant evolutionary
questions on these slides comprise the heart of the
exercise. Students address the questions in class, typically
in discussion with small groups of fellow students.