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Joint Membership with National Postdoctoral Association


NPAAs one way to serve the interests of our postdoctoral community, GSA offers postdocs the opportunity to take advantage of a special joint membership option that provides membership in both GSA and the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) with reduced membership fees for each. This joint option offers a 20 percent discount off of the normal membership rates for both GSA and NPA.


Those taking advantage of this special opportunity will be individual members of both organizations and will receive all of the membership benefits for both GSA and NPA, including discounts on meeting registration, access to members-only content, the ability to vote in elections and hold society offices, and discounts on publications and services.


This option is available for 1-year, 2-year, and automatic renewal options, as long as you maintain your status as a postdoc.


Just select the "Postdoctoral + NPA Membership" option on the GSA membership form.




About the NPA


The mission of the NPA is to advance the U.S. research enterprise by maximizing the effectiveness of the research community and enhancing the quality of the postdoctoral experience for all participants. The NPA advocates for policies that promote positive change in the postdoctoral experience and is regularly consulted by federal agencies - including the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation - and other influential organizations such as The National Academies. The NPA has played an important role in discussions to formally define the postdoctoral population, increase postdoc stipends, expand data collection about postdocs, and establish grant programs that support postdocts. The NPA develops and provides resources both to individual postdocs and to those who serve postdoctoral populations, including research institutions and professional socities. And the NPA provides a forum for the postdoctoral community to come together, including at its annual meetings and at the association's website (