Since 1916, GENETICS has published high-quality, original research presenting novel findings bearing on genetics and genomics. The journal publishes empirical studies of organisms ranging from microbes to humans, as well as theoretical work.
While it has an illustrious history, GENETICS has changed along with the communities it serves: it is not your mentor's journal.
The editors make decisions quickly – in around 35 days – without sacrificing the excellence and scholarship for which the journal has long been known. GENETICS is a peer reviewed, peer-edited journal, with an international reach and increasing visibility and impact. All editorial decisions are made through collaboration of at least two editors who are practicing scientists.
GENETICS is constantly innovating: expanded types of content include Reviews, Commentary (current issues of interest to geneticists), Perspectives (historical), Primers (to introduce primary literature into the classroom), Toolbox Reviews, plus YeastBook, FlyBook, and WormBook . For particularly time-sensitive results, we publish Communications. As part of our mission to serve our communities, we've published thematic collections, including Genomic Prediction, Multiparental Populations, Genetics of Immunity, and Genetics of Sex.
More than just a publisher, the Genetics Society of America is mission-driven and places a high priority on responding to community needs. GENETICS and G3 have long been committed to supporting resources that serve scientists. We were the first journals to partner with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories to enable seamless deposits of manuscripts from our submission systems straight into the preprint server bioRxiv, as well as from bioRxiv to GENETICS and G3, and we have accepted submissions posted for preprint servers since 2012. Articles feature links to model organism databases like SGD, FlyBase, and WormBase. We have also partnered with Overleaf to provide custom templates for authors who use LaTex, saving them time at submission. Our collaboration with protocols.io, encourages authors to freely share methods from GENETICS articles, helping to increase research reproducibility. The annotation tool Remarq is available on both the GENETICS and G3 websites and allows for collaborative commenting and article sharing. Our latest collaboration with Figshare ensures that supplemental material and data files are permanently associated with an article—and that authors aren’t limited by file type or size when providing data that support their work. Early online publication means that research investigations are freely accessible and in PubMed within days of acceptance – which eliminates delays in discovering the latest science.
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