The GSA Journals
The Genetics Society of America publishes two scholarly journals: GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. Both journals are run by scientists, for scientists, and embody the principles of peer-editing, where every editor who makes a decision on manuscripts submitted to GENETICS and to G3 is a practicing scientist. The journals support the mission of GSA, offering two distinct scholarly platforms for the communication of high-quality, original genetics research and key foundational discoveries.
As sister journals, GENETICS and G3 are uniquely positioned to publish blocks of related articles, including the Mouse Collaborative Cross, Multiparental Populations, and Genomic Selection. With over 160 editors and two editorial boards between them, and with broad and deep community ties, GENETICS and G3 are well-positioned as leaders in collaborative science.
Although the scope and mission of each journal are distinct, both GENETICS and G3 provide clear, fair decisions on submitted manuscripts in around a month. And both journals are committed to open access to data – with the guiding principle of making geneticists' work accessible and available to the community, recording scientific progress and catalyzing further advances. Article-level links to model organism databases further increase article impact.
Publication of data, ideas, and conclusions is the bedrock of science. The GSA Journals believe that practicing scientists must play a central role in that process. Many journals will publish primary research papers, but few carry the imprimatur of an organization of peers with a long history of supporting and promoting the discipline. The Genetics Society of America has an illustrious record in scientific publishing with its groundbreaking journal GENETICS, the first American journal of genetics, established in 1916 by the founders of our field. G3, as a sister journal of GENETICS, continues the tradition of science run by scientists.

The journal GENETICS, published by the Genetics Society of America, publishes high-quality, original research presenting novel findings bearing on inheritance. Since 1916, GENETICS has published empirical studies of organisms ranging from microbes to mouse to man, as well as theoretical work. The journal also publishes Review, Commentary (current issues of interest to geneticists), and Perspective articles, as well as Genetic Toolbox Reviews and Educational Primers, which facilitate the use of primary genetics literature in the classroom.
GENETICS is published monthly, online. Accepted manuscripts are published as Early Online within two weeks of acceptance, thereby receiving a DOI and deposited in PubMed. The journal has an Author-Choice free-to-read program for investigations, allowing the purchase of an open-access option for individual articles.
Mark Johnston, Editor-in-Chief
Professor and Chair
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Also published by the Genetics Society of America, G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics is an open access journal that meets the critical and growing need of the genetics community for rapid review and publication of important results in all areas of genetics. The journal offers the opportunity to publish puzzling findings and useful results without a requirement that they be high-impact.
G3 is published monthly, online.
Brenda J. Andrews, Editor-in-Chief
Professor and Chair
Banting & Best Department of Medical Research
Director, The Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research
University of Toronto
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The GSA e-News
GSA's bi-weekly e-Newsletter keeps members up to date on deadlines and other important dates for GSA Conferences, current highlights in the GSA Journals, opportunities for funding and awards, news about current GSA Members, and updates on policy and advocacy, outreach opportunities, and other community updates.
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Genes to Genomes
Genes to Genomes is the GSA’s blog. It provides a forum for the latest science from our journals, updates from the Society, and guest posts from our community.
Early Career Scientist Weekly
The ECS Weekly is an e-newsletter sent every Friday to student and postdoc members of the GSA. It features resources, opportunities, and job listings selected for scientists in the early stages of their career—wherever their path may lead.
The GSA Reporter
Between 2004 and 2014, GSA published the GENEtics newsletter, later renamed, The GSA Reporter.
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