Revised College Genetics
Laboratory Exercise for Witnessing
Phenotypic and Molecular Evolution in
the Fruit Fly
Jennifer N. Gredler, Brenda Manzano-Winkler, and Mohamed A.F. Noor
This is an update to a published
laboratory that allows students to
observe both phenotypic and molecular
evolution through natural selection in a
population of fruit flies (Drosophila
simulans). The activity takes
advantage of eye color variation and
molecular variation in a live model
organism to demonstrate concepts of transmission genetics
and evolutionary
genetics. To make this exercise more
accessible to a broader audience of
novice fly handlers, the authors constructed
strains of Drosophila melanogaster that
eliminate the difficult, time-consuming
steps of collecting virgin females to be
used in crosses, and designed new
markers to be used with this species. This revision
describes the changes to the activity,
how the strains were constructed, and
results from a test-run of the revised
This activity
utilizes the protocol and concepts
originally published in
Evolution: Education and Outreach
in 2012 by Caiti Heil, Mika Hunter,
Julient Noor, Kathleen Miglia, Brenda
Manzano-Winkler, Shannon McDermott, and
Mohamed Noor; any of the original
materials are included here with
permission, and can also be accessed at
Noor Lab website.
Genetics Concept(s) Addressed:
Transmission/patterns of Inheritance:
are the mechanisms by which an
organism's genome is passed on to the
next generation?
Transmission/patterns of inheritance:
How does the phenomenon of linkage
affect the assortment of alleles during
Transmission/patterns of inheritance:
How can one deduce information about
genes, alleles, and gene functions from
analysis of genetic crosses and patterns
of inheritance?
Evolution and Population Genetics: What are the processes
that can affect the frequency of
genotypes and phenotypes in a population
over time?
Core Competencies Addressed:
Students should be able to implement observational strategies to devise a question.
Students should be able to generate testable hypotheses.
Students should be able to design an experiment using appropriate controls and appropriate sample sizes.
Students should be able to gather and evaluate experimental evidence, including qualitative and quantitative data.
undergraduate biology/genetics major
Activity Type:
Open-ended laboratory
Activity Length:
activity days spread across 2-3 months
Heil, C. S. S., M. J. Hunter, J. K. F. Noor, K. Miglia,
B. Manzano-Winkler, S. R. McDermott, and M. A. F. Noor. (2012)
Witnessing phenotypic and molecular evolution in the fruit fly.
Evolution: Education and Outreach, 5: 629-634.
Original Resource– Paper in Evolution: Education and Outreach
Resource Justification (PDF, Word)
Summarized Teacher Instructions (PDF, Word)
Detailed Teacher Instructions (PDF, Word)
Materials Needed for Complete Exercise (PDF, Word)
Handouts (PDF,